Northeastern Early Decision and Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

I attended the Beanpot final last week. While the game did not end well for Northeastern (lost 1-0 to BU), I spoke to a few Northeastern students about the overcrowding on campus. Their responses surprised me. They said that it was annoying at times: lines in the dining halls etc. But the consensus was that after a year of essentially learning from home or being on a half empty campus last year it was nice to be among crowds of people for a change.


Let’s just hope their yield for NUin goes back to normal numbers
they cannot manage another high overenrollment!


Do you think they will make some of the buildings that are traditionally freshman housing into sophomore dorms if they have a smaller freshman class and the large sophomore class?

I have finished writing my LOCI for Northeastern. However, I got an email from them about a virtual event they are holding regarding the ‘Next Steps For Deferred Students’ on 25th Feb. Should I upload my LOCI now or wait till after the event? The event might be useful to gain insight into what they are looking for. But, I am a bit on the fence about waiting till then because I feel it may be a bit too late (close to a month since EA decisions were released) to submit my LOCI

My daughter was deferred and she submitted her LOCI last week but she hasn’t received any email regarding g next steps

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My son also has submitted LOCI and not received this email.

this is the link, in case anyone is interested (I’m pretty sure it was not personalised)

Anyone know will get more merit $ after become NMF – NU website said will “replace” current award but did not say how much? search in FB, someone side just add $5000 on your current offer.

Based on the past, total NMF scholarship will likely be between $30,000 and $40,000. So the extra amount depends on the amount of merit you were originally offered.

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However, in recent years, some folks have not been topping out at the much per year and may only get a small amount more that originally offered. It used to be a set amount (full tuition, then $30k, and now it’s just listed as “a competitive scholarship.”

How much were you originally offered? I’d only count on maybe $5k more and be pleasantly surprised if they add more. When do you learn about NMF?
Please do come back at let the group know for future classes.

I was deferred and am trying to upload additional material, but my portal isn’t allowing me. Every time I upload my pdf an error message shows up. Is anyone else having this problem and what should I do?

26,000 now. Get letter on Sat (2/18) about NMF.
His school should know one week earlier but they did not tell the kids.

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As an update (D22 was offered NUin during EA but due to age and CS major there was no viable location), she has now received a new letter of admission, with no mention of NUin, to the Class of 2026 and major in CS. Pretty sure this is a rare scenario, but happy to get this offer from NU. There was no contact from us to admissions so NU did this automatically.


Wonderful news. On another site, a parent mentioned that their child is marine science and her major was not offered at Either NU bound location which they were offered, and they got switched to NUin which was welcomed.


That’s weird
 Doesn’t Mills in Oakland offer CS as an option?

Hi all, was just wondering if you thought I should join the webinar for deferred students if I didn’t receive an email invite. I saw the link from u/greyish8 and I could easily register, but not sure if I should, considering I was never formally invited. I want to because for all I know it was just a mistake I didn’t receive the invite, but don’t want it to hurt me if I wasn’t supposed to go. I’m prob overthinking this, but thoughts?

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My daughter isn’t joining since she didn’t receive the official email for Feb 25!!

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called school today and they said no extra $ for NMF.

FYI - I signed up using the link provided and am now a little nervous. I can’t remember what info I had to provide but when I called NU’s admissions office - they were not aware of the meeting. I searched their website and cant seem to find any info on it. Also, its at 7am which I find to be an odd time to hold a meeting.