Northeastern Early Decision and Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Son and a friend both applied ED1 and both got merit scholarships from NEU ($21k and $25k) for NMRP and Honors.

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Not exactly. They will accept fewer students than last year so the number that can possibly enroll in 22 will be less than last year.

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Yes, the number that can possibly enroll will be lower, but they accept several thousand more students then they actually have spots for (as most schools do). It’s a matter of more accurately predicting the yield this year and if the yield is up again they can still have a larger enrollment than they were planning on. Not the end of the world but the forced double and triple rooms don’t sound ideal at all!

Actually, based on 4 out of the last 5 years (2020 COVID year being the exception) decision day has been the equivalent of next Wednesday. 3/17 last year, 3/13 in 2019, 3/14 in 2018 and 3/15 in 2017. So, 3/16 definitely seems within the realm of possibility.


That will be cool if it is 3/16.

NEU’s plan on addressing over enrollment:

  • turning singles into doubles, doubles into triples

On 1 hand, they need the additional housing space.
On the other hand, it’s sucky to be matched to these TIGHT rooms.

I was sharing this, since some parents may not know what’s happening.
I didn’t until I stumbled across it.


That was approved by the city.

Are International Village and East Village freshman dorms or sophomore dorms? I really do think it’s an unfortunate situation and I think the kids who get put in those rooms should get heavily discounted room and board rates. If it’s going to be put on the incoming class, I do think it’s a consideration when comparing options.

East Village and International Village are primarily upper class housing. Rates will be adjusted.

Thanks! That’s good to know.

Just an unabashed plug for the Mills campus. My children, now 18 and 21, attended preschool on the Mills College campus and had swim meets there as well. It is a beautiful campus, the climate here is very comfortable, and you are close to San Francisco. I used to love to walk/hike on campus when I got there early to pick them up.

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I’m pretty sure I read here that a student was offered Ujima. I remember hitting the thumbs up for the post.

And @piperfitch
No, the main lower floors of EV and IV have been frosh and soph for years. EV has typically been honors housing the last few years since it opened. Higher floors in Ev are apartment style and have been for upper class. Upper floors of IV are still suite style but have been upper class students. This past year, with the overenrollment, even in honors, they have honors in Ev And IV.
I would assume that this housing change in IV/EV will affect the incoming frosh class the most
 but it depends on where they house the diff groups of course.

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Random question but does anyone know how housing rates work? I was admitted to the honors program and was given an honors scholarship so I assume I reside in honors housing, but does that mean the rates are automatically assigned? Definitely was going to try to go for one of the less expensive housing options but it seems you don’t get a choice?

I believe during one of the virtual sessions on housing and residential life there was a question about this and they said they try to accommodate requests for less expensive housing.

Does anyone have any guesses or thoughts about the RD release date?

I think it will either be Wednesday 3/16 or 3/23

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Here are the current rates. Honors tends to be in East Village and overflow into International Village, so the higher end of frosh housing. I would talk with the Housing office to see if they can accommodate you in other housing. Given the current overenrollment of this year’s frosh class (Fall 2021), and that sophs are required to live on campus, it is hard to know exactly where NU plans to house which groups. I would assume however that Honors will be East Village as it has been since Fall 2018. Scroll to First Year Rates to see the chart.

Also – given that NU just got approval from City of Boston to make some IV/EV singles into doubles, doubles into triples, then you might get a lower rate of housing in one of these buildings if they keep them as Honors. So, it could well mean a crowded housing situation but lower cost.

Ugh ! they are just too crowded when they do this.

Housing is big on my DD list of needs.

They will be crowded this way, and unfortunately this very large cohort will have a ripple effect on housing for a couple of years unless NU can find other buildings to use. It doesn’t seem like hotels are on the mix going forward bc the tourist industry is picking back up.

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