Northeastern London scholars program

Does anyone have information on the London Scholars program at Northeastern ? We checked that box on common app. Now wondering if it has any additional entry requirements that we missed. Would appreciate any input.

If you are willing to start at any of the Northeastern campuses aside from the Boston one, you’ve probably increased your chance of acceptance. I don’t think that you have to do anything else.

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Tagging @TomSrOfBoston who may have additional inputs.

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I am worried that checking that box of london scholars would eliminate all other entry pathways.

Yes, I would have that concern, too, that NEU would prefer to put her in London, rather than to start in Boston, and that by doing so they would free up a slot for Boston. I would uncheck this option if you can. It appears that NEU has been offering it to people as an option, and Oakland campus too, whether they asked for it or not.


Unfortunately. got submitted before we realized…
Is the quality of education same in london as in boston. If so, that’s prob ok. right ?

Maybe you can call the admissions office and have them attach a note to her application, saying that she greatly prefers Boston campus.

You’ll have to speak to someone who did London NEU.


Spending freshman year in London seems like an incredible opportunity, if the finances work out. Northeastern London is an integral, but autonomous, part of the university. It may be dependent on planned major. i am not sure what London offers in engineering or nursing for example.

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thank you. she is applying for business

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her unweighted GPA is 3.34. Will that change chances ? Please chance for stevens and northeastern london, rutgers business school

I would also consider that if Boston is a first choice, but of the other possibilities London is the second choice, it might be worth indicating that. Otherwise, they may get Oakland or because the university doesn’t know you’d be open to London. It is a tricky game for sure.

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I think Stevens and RBS will be low reaches.


That seems low for Northeastern, tbh. Being open to an alternative pathway may up the chances, but you have to be willing to accept the other options.


I am getting confused.

OP- you really don’t need to have multiple threads going about the same student. ONE thread, with all the information; then list the colleges, and folks will weigh in. I was just about to post about Fordham, then realized you were really interested in NU Boston from this thread- which I was ALSO going to respond to… very confusing to have multiples running…


I am not familiar with the web site to be honest. I struggle to get information myself and am trying my best to get what help i can. thank you for understanding


3.34 is low for northeastern. I doubt she would be accepted to boston campu to start. Is a year at a feeder campus worth it to get three at NEU? Fordham is an excellent option, with easy access to internships in nyc, and she would probably get accepted there.

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Even if you only checked the Boston campus, NEU will accept students to other campuses.

Applying EA 2021, DS2022 and our friends’ kids/classmates all checked ONLY Boston campus. Only DS was accepted to Boston campus, the rest were deferred to RD (then nudged to switch to ED2), or offered non-Boston campuses or rejected.

So I don’t think the boxes really matter, and
that GPA is rather low for Boston campus, unless applied ED1.


Fordham is her top choice but saw in CC that her GPA is low even for fordham. However her school is sending weighted GPA of 4.36 so not sure if that will be used or unweighted of 3.54.

This is based on belief that education is worse at feeder campus. why is that?
It is NEU ultimately so wont they get the same education. My daughter is open minded on location.

I wonder if it matters in terms of students who will not be admitted to the Boston campus, but might get an alternative pathway? If the school considers the option then for the sake of yield. For example, a student who does not make the cut for Boston but is in consideration for an alternative has checked Would they be more likely to get that rather than a different alternative because NU thinks they are more likely to attend in that case?

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