Northeastern Pharmacy School..

<p>I'm going to apply as a pharmacy major..
I know that Northeastern has 6 year pharmacy program..
What are the general stats for pharmacy school? (GPA, ACT etc..)
and is Northeastern pharmacy school good? (like job placement, research opportunity..)
I didn't do early action.. when would I be able to able to find out if I got in or not?</p>

<p>Thank You..</p>

<p>Mmm i went to the open house on saturday and this is what the Pharmacy program said:
Last year, 1600 applicants applied for the pharmacy program and only 400 were accepted - 150~ enrolled for 2008 year - they didn't give specifics on SAT scores etc. because that's more of a general admissions question but i'd say the higher the better...</p>

<p>Northeastern's pharmacy program is pretty good. They said there's 96%-100% passing rate on board exam (usually 100%~) and 100% job placement because of Co-Op. And the university is very strong in research so that's a plus for every school, esp. sciences. It's the only university with a pharmcy program who offers a co-op with pharmacy program.</p>

<p>You probably should have done early action to maximize your chances but you'll probably now get your admission status in march~ ish?</p>

<p>I applied EA to their pharmacy program =) wish you luck!</p>

<p>As a student in the school of pharmacy I can say they have a wonderful program. No complaints at all... good luck!</p>

<p>I applied to the Pharmacy program--Can anyone comment on my chances of being accepted?</p>

<p>I have a 3.8 GPA and a 23 on the ACT.
I have a strong extracurricular profile
I live in California</p>

<p>I know it's not a lot of information but I'm just trying to get a rough idea of where I'm standing. Northeastern is my #1 choice!</p>

<p>It depends honestly how many kids also applied to the pharmacy program this year and what THEIR grades were - you might be able to get into NEU but the pharmacy program itself only accepts 400~ students; so the better your grades/scores are, the better your chances are for pharmacy</p>

<p>So there is absolutely no way to transfer into the pharm school as a sophmore?</p>

<p>^ i’m sure with a good academic track, reason, recommendations, and essay, you can transfer into the pharm school… but as a sophomore, you CANNOT transfer into the 6 year program. the 6 year program (that guarantees graduate school admission) is only available to freshmen. so you can transfer into the pharm school at a later time, but you just have to reapply for graduate school is all.</p>

<p>As a prospective PharmD student, I just have a couple of questions.</p>

<p>What is the atmosphere like in the PharmD program? Once accepted, how competitive is it between other students? Is it an atmosphere that is helpful to everybody wants everybody to succeed or is it one where people are weeded out?</p>

<p>Also, what are the professors like? Are they approachable and will help you succeed if you ask? Just one more thing, does anybody have any numbers regarding how many people make it through the program? I know about 400 people enter the program, but how many of them finish? How many are kicked out because of grades or how many leave because they realize pharmacy may not be the right path for them? </p>

<p>Any other information about the atmosphere and culture of the program would be greatly appreciated.</p>

<p>bump 10char</p>

<p>agreed… someone please answer :slight_smile: lol</p>

<p>anyone else think hplssrmntcxox is getting too obsessive? i mean i know we all care about neu pharmacy but sheesh this girl is just vicious!</p>

<p>I’m not sure there are any pharmD posters here so I’ll tell you what I can… I’m in science so I have a similar courseload as pharmacy (especially freshman year, they’re close to identical), and have a few pharmacy friends.</p>

<p>Weed out definitely happens, across all science majors. Science can be tough. A lot of people start freshman year very naive about how much work it involves, and naive as to what their real interests are. You get to BioII and our boring/tedious Chem II labs, both of which I’m pretty sure were invented to make you hate your life, and people start to question if it’s worth it. There are also the people who just fail, but that doesn’t really happen to anyone who works hard and stays motivated. I’m not saying this will happen to you, but that’s why a lot of people are weeded out.</p>

<p>In general, I don’t find people to be competitive to the point that they don’t want to help each other out… there are lots of study groups, review sessions, etc., and you can make good friends in your classes. But, most of the weed out happens freshman and 1st semester sophomore year. After that, you’re really competing against smart and motivated kids since everyone else has dropped. The classes are less “weed out”, and professors (in my experience) are a little more laid back and flexible. But the people in your classes are good at what they do, and really care about getting that A, and that means they’re setting YOUR curve, so in that sense, it gets cutthroat. The competition is there, but it’s overall friendly. And making friends with smart kids is really, really important.</p>

<p>Professors can be good and can be bad. I’ve had my share of terrible professors who have that phd and research but not so much the teaching/social skills. But I’ve also had some amazing, passionate, engaging professors. Overall, most of them are approachable, understanding, etc.</p>

<p>Like has been mentioned, the job placement is good. There are pretty good opportunities… and this is the Science Mecca of the country, with several med schools, numerous major hospital, and the biotech industry. You can’t go wrong. If science is really what you want to do, you’ll probably be very happy with the pharm program or other science programs.</p>

<p>I applied early action to the pharmacy program.
The notification date said by December 31.
That means they’ll start putting up decisions before then?</p>

<p>And I only applied to the Bouve College (Pharm).
If I don’t get in there, will they consider me for another school?
Because I didn’t put a second choice.</p>

<p>^ Oh SHOOT. I just realized that I don’t have a second choice major either. It’s because the commonapp transfer was crappy. I indicated my major on commonapp, but it didn’t show up on my application check so I had to ask them to add it in… but then I forgot to ask them to put down my second major choice too :frowning: Well I guess I’m just gonna cross my fingers that I get into my first choice.</p>

<p>retrooo – check the speculations of notification dates on the Bets thread :)</p>

<p>Ugh, I also didn’t indicate a second major. Guess we’ll see what happens…</p>

<p>I got into the PharmD program, however I am questioning whether I should take it. The Science Field makes me nervous(In general, I have heard bad stories,etc.). Im just so nervous that I would flunk out or quit and waste my parents money. :frowning: It seems that pursueing a english or math major would be sooooo much easier.</p>

<p>Yeah, I’m in the same dilemma right now. I have some acceptances for the BioMedical Engineering major, and some for a 0-6 PharmD. I know it really depends on what I finally want to do at the end of the day, but this is still really tough…</p>

<p>sophNJ – me too! the science area is harder for me than other subjects, and i also happen to be applying for pretty much all guaranteed physical therapy programs. but i’m generally pretty good at things that i have a genuine interest in, and i plan to make full use of living learning communities/tutors or whatever help is available at school! i think that although science is hard, i will be able to do well if i just have the discipline to work a little bit harder than everyone else :)</p>

<p>I’m a prospective pharm student… I really like northeastern - going to visit over the summer. I’ve been debating whether or not to apply early decision</p>

<p>^NEU only offers Early Action, so it’s definitely the way to go! Seems to have better chance of admission/$$ and it’s non-binding! Good luck :)</p>