Northeastern University 2019 ED

does being admitted into the Nu.In program mean that you are less qualified than the kids that were admitted for the fall?

@askingaquestion8 Depends on what you mean by qualified. As I understand it, the NUin program, like Spring admissions at other colleges, allows the college to admit the student without their stats being figured in to the class stats for that year. Unlike other college Spring admissions, it’s viewed as doing study abroad. Many Spring admissions plans have students either do community college or gap for the first semester.

Hey - I got accepted ED for the arch program

GPA: 100.2 Weighted (1/~200 class rank)
8 AP courses through high school, AP Chem, AP World, AP Lang, AP Bio, AP Art Studio, AP Physics C, AP Calc AB, and AP Stats, Intro to CAD class, everything else pretty much honors
SAT: 1510 - R- 780, M- 730

Essay was about major surgery I had at the beginning of last summer, I believe it was pretty strong.

Recommendations -

  • One from my AP Bio teacher from junior year
  • One from my AP Stats teacher, who has had me as a student for three years
  • My “Other” was my sponsor for my mural club, who I had as an English teacher sophomore year

As for EC’s,
I started a mural club at my school in my junior year; I oversaw all projects and put in around 150 hours into it last year, and it was officially recognized at our school this year.
Did martial arts from 2010-2018, stopped at brown belt
Varsity Ski Team Freshmen year
Mock Trial Sophomore year
Math club secretary (Sophomore - Senior)
Intro to Stem course at community college over summer

Also received award from superintendent of district (Mass Superintendents Academic Excellence Award), and a few other awards.

I visited the school quite a few times for a few different programs.

I was awarded the Dean’s scholarship for CAMD too

Also- I submitted a portfolio as well. I can give more information about it if you want! : )

I heard that for this year, the NEU is not going to view the SAT score of international student. Is that true? Anybody knows?

I planned to apply ED2

@BUplzz Northeastern has never looked at SAT scores for internationals.

@TomSrOfBoston I read that internationals should send IB, AP, and that stuff, but if the student didn’t course them does that mean they won’t stand a chance?

Is there an ea thread

Hi @kat2345 ,

I applied EA and have a question about the CAMD scholarship. I’m a jazz pianist with good scores and grades (1580 SAT and 4.0), and I’m wondering if the CAMD creative leaders scholarship is what you got! I’m hoping to get it - I sent in a portfolio.
I’m also hoping to receive some deans scholarship money and hoping that the CAMD creative leaders can be stacked with the Deans… Expensive school.

Does anyone know the exact date ED 2 comes out?

Website says feb. 15 but last year they came out around the 6 :slight_smile:

@momzilla2D I don’t think it is guaranteed, but something like NUin, but you need at least a 3.0 at another college and not one grade lower than a C to be guaranteed. Also, you need to complete at least a year of credits. The spot is guaranteed only if you meet the qualifications. Unless you are talking about a deferred admission so you can take a gap year.

@askingaquestion8 IMHO NUin is actually a sign that you are better, because they want you so bad that they are willing to overlook some things that might drag down their admissions stats like SAT scores. You must be awesome in other more important things (leadership, entrepreneur, innovator, etc.) than test scores and GPAs.

@Totoro66 NUin students do not drag down admission stats as they are not part of the calculations. Officially, NUin students are not NU students during the fall semester and that’s is why they can not use students loans for their fall tuition. They become NU students in the spring semester, but stats only counts for the students that enter in the fall.

what time of day do decisions typically come out in New York for NEU?

@D3c1s10n For ED II it was 7 PM.

@am9799 That is my whole point. They are accepting you on other factors instead of test scores, since they don’t count toward admissions stats. That means that you really impressed them.

does anyone know if ed2 will come out tomorrow or Wednesday?

@D3c1s10n Try asking on the ED2 thread! That said, it’s all speculation and could also be next week.

that’s true^ but typically they release decisions a week earlier, which would be this week