Northeastern University 2019 RD

I’m Florida…nothing yet

When will NJ most likely come out?

@am2727 @LtDang @ashxnl @thegoblin @littlefroggy @redcloud17

if you can add your stats / info as formatted in post #1 or #258 that would be great!

tick tock … come on NJ!!

The Admission Twitter just tweeted “It’s Time, Are you a #NUHUSKY? Check your app status check now!” But alas, nothing in MN yet…

Decision (and if deferred EA): Accepted
SAT/ACT (Superscore): 35 ACT, didn’t submit SAT
GPA (UW/W + Scale Info): 4.07 out of 4.30 UW- not sure what it would be weighted! :confused:
State/Country: NH
Major: Health Science
Did you apply for FA?: Yes
Honors/NMF/etc?: I am currently a National Merit Finalist.

did anyone get an email first?

Decision (Deffered EA): Waitlisted (but the letter is gone idk how to access my decision anymore)
SAT/ACT - 1530 34
Gpa 3.9 uw 4.59 w
State: MA
Major: CS
I did not apply for FA
I did not apply for
Decent recs, ecs, etc

Decision (and if deferred EA): Accepted (NU in), deferred EA
SAT/ACT (Superscore): 1540/35
GPA (UW/W + Scale Info): school doesn’t do GPA, but I think (UW) somewhere around 3.5?
State/Country: MA, USA
Major: Biology
Did you apply for FA?: yes
Honors/NMF/etc?: nope!

Don’t know if this is helpful but I was somehow deferred EA and then accepted 2 weeks later in February into the Honors Program (still have no idea how that happened?)

Decision (and if deferred EA): Accepted and deferred EA
SAT/ACT (Superscore): 35 superscore, with 800 and 770 SAT IIs
GPA (UW/W + Scale Info): 94/100 (I think it’s different from US scales since I’m from Canada though?)
State/Country: Canada
Major: Business Administration - Finance
Did you apply for FA?: No FA for internationals
Honors/NMF/etc?: Nothing


Decision (and if deferred EA): accepted RD
SAT/ACT (Superscore): 1570 (one sitting)
GPA (UW/W + Scale Info): 4.0 UW 4.60 W
State/Country: MA
Major: Health Science and Business Administration
Did you apply for FA?: yes
Honors/NMF/etc?: no honors, I am NMF but chose “undecided” for my first-choice college so currently I have the Dean’s Scholarship of $22,000 per year

Denied :frowning:

Deferred EA
SAT: 1410
GPA 4.1 (3.7 unweighted)
State: Rhode Island
Major: Communication Studies and Theatre
FA?: Yes
I did submit a theater portfolio

Yeah, I didn’t expect to get in. I showed very little interest and my SAT is lower than their average. Plus, they have a lot of applicants from my school.

Good luck to everyone else! Waiting is definitely the hardest part!

And to anyone that was wondering, I received the email at the same time as my decision

they just tweeted that they released decisions for new england and the rest will come out this evening

Nothing yet for me!

MA, nothing yet

I’m from NYC and haven’t heard yet. Will it show up under messages on my application status page?

So if you’re a deferred EA student in New England and didn’t hear anything yet today, does that mean rejection? Or is there another wave in the coming weeks?