Northeastern University 2019 RD

Hi, new to thread but just got accepted RD too ^~^

Congrats to everyone!! How did you guys find out? Was it a letter?

I just got an email saying my decision was ready. Then they had like my official decision letter, financial aid, scholarship and instructions for the portal as separate documents

Congrats everyone hearing back today!

I just updated the first post to include more information.

@lc2000 @“SpecialK@SammyJuice If you can provide the following information to help others in the future it would be greatly appreciated!

Decision (and if deferred EA):
SAT/ACT (Superscore):
GPA (UW/W + Scale Info):
Did you apply for FA?:

Edit: Updated Template

Hi! I just got an email saying my admission decison was ready, and I was accepted!
SAT (superscore): 1440
GPA: unweighted is 3.83 out of 4.0
Weighted is 5.21
State: Maryland
Major: Biology
And yes I applied for FA

congrats to everyone!!!

@PengsPhils Here are my daughter’s stats:

Decision (include if you were deferred first): Accepted RD to honors college ($30,000 scholarship)
SAT/ACT (superscored): SAT 1550; ACT 35 (each only taken once)
GPA (UW/W + scale information): 3.98/4.7
State/Country: Kentucky
Major: Biology
Did you apply for FA?: No

She has also been accepted to: University of Maryland -Bio -honors - Banneker Key Scholarship (will be full tuition or half); UNC, University of Kentucky; University of Rochester ($25,000 merit scholarship), University of Wisconsin.
Deferred from University of Michigan :frowning:
Waiting on Brown, University of Washington, and USC

She did a 360 hour capstone research project (as a requirement for her high school program) which focuses on the regeneration of Axolotls. Northeastern also does axolotl research so…

I got an email about two hours ago with my decision!

Decision (include if you were deferred first): Accepted with Honors Program and Honors Scholarship
SAT/ACT (superscored): 1550 SAT; 36 ACT
GPA (UW/W + scale information): 4.81 (unweighted not known)
State/Country: New Jersey
Major: Computer Science & Biology
Did you apply for FA?: Yup!

Decision (include if you were deferred first): accepted, received $30,000 scholarship
SAT/ACT (superscored): 1440 sat, 32 act
GPA (UW/W + scale information): 4.5/4.5 weighted, 4.0/4.0 unweighted
State/Country: California
Major: business administration/ communication studies
Did you apply for FA?: yes

yooo congrats to everyone who’s already gotten accepted!!!

Decision (and if deferred EA): Accepted (rd)
SAT/ACT (Superscore): 32 + 1420
GPA (UW/W + Scale Info): 3.75/4.836
State/Country: Indiana
Major: Chemsitry
Did you apply for FA?: Yes, but I still need to send them some documents
Honors/NMF/etc?: NHRP, Questbridge Finalist, did MITES, and other

I received my RD acceptance today with a great scholarship!

I received a 30k NHRP award from Northeastern today, along with my Honors decision @TomSrOfBoston. Just a few hours before I got the news, I submitted an extra supplement. It’s my understanding that they do not negotiate merit awards, but the only way I can afford it without going into astronomical debt is if I get ~5k more a year. I know a few NHRP scholars got 40k, and given the fact that the supplement I submitted obviously was not reviewed before my decision was made, do you think its worth a shot to email them? Northeastern is one of my top schools and I would hate to take them off my list after receiving such a generous award that just barely misses the mark.

I did, I got a positive response 2 days ago but I am an international student so I don’t know if this plays a role

D accepted engineering RD. Honors college and 30k honors merit scholarship. 1580 SAT, 4.0 UW GPA, NMSF, Lots of leadership EC’s, captain varsity sport, high level research projects, other stuff…

@CoolChem do u think MITES helped your app profile? i did a different OEOP program and i’m curious


@september202017 I’m not sure how admissions views MITES, but I feel like it did help my application. Did you do mostec? If so, awesome!

New to CC & this thread, but just got accepted to the Honors Program w/ scholarship & the Health Science major at Bouvé yesterday! :slight_smile: Congrats to all admits & good luck to everyone else, you’ll all end up at amazing places! <3

@CoolChem oh okay, thank you!! and yes, i did MOSTEC! it was an amazing experience!