Northeastern University 2021 EA

Yes, there will be plenty of acceptances for RD.

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Just got in to site. Nothing yet (Texas)

Are the time slots dependent on where you applied from or the ip address of where you are checking your portal from

congrats! what time did u find out?

i’m 99% sure it’s where you applied from, don’t hold me to that though


Yes, it’s in the decision letter!

Okay good bc I have similar stats to some accepted people but I had to apply rd

thank you!! I logged in at 7:00 pm EST but a received an error screen a couple of times. I probably logged in successfully around 7:20

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I just tried this with a VPN to use a NY IP address, no dice


has anyone from FL gotten anything yet?

I’m pretty sure where you applied from. I’m from Miami and I had my dad check my portal from Connecticut and there was nothing. If it was based on IP address, he would’ve seen it.

ha i was hoping that it might work if i have someone in MA check my portal


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not yet

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If I’m from WV but go to a school in MD do I count as MD or WV bc I think those are 2 separate regions?

anybody else in DC or the DMV area got it yet? I haven’t​:broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart:


so i guess if PA is out the next wave is DMV at 8?

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thank uuuuuu i hope so

not yet

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Nothing from me here but I might not be DMV