Northeastern University 2021 ED1

I got in! NU.IN program for business :slight_smile:


I got in!
didnt submit SAT/ACT
GPA: 97.603/100
State: Maine
Major: Marketing
FA: yes
APs: 9
Tons of sports (captian), clubs, and awards
500 hours of work experience
100+ hours cs


Decision: Admitted with deans scholarship!

SAT/ACT (if submitted / Superscore): 34(35E/31R/35M/36S)

GPA (UW/W + Scale Info): 4.26 W

State/Country: Midwest region

Major: Finance

Did you apply for FA?: No


so sorryā€¦ in the same boat

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let me just add this

Decision: Accepted Fall 2021 (Deanā€™s Scholarship)

SAT: 1590

GPA (UW/W + Scale Info): 3.99/4.38 4.0 scale

State/Country: Delaware

Major: Data Science

Did you apply for FA?: Yes

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Rejected for the third time :confused: Usually third timeā€™s the charm but idk guys this one hurt a lot more than usual :frowning:

Decision: Accepted Fall 2021

SAT: None

GPA (UW/W + Scale Info): 3.9/4.23 4.0 scale

State/Country: NJ

Major: Health Science + Psych

Did you apply for FA?: No

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Decision: accepted fall 2021! :slight_smile:

SAT/ACT (Superscore): 1370 but I didnā€™t send to NEU

GPA (UW/W + Scale Info): 3.6UW 4.2W, 4 pt. scale

State/Country: Southern California

Major: combined linguistics and speech-language pathology/audiology

Did you apply for FA?: yes

Honors/NMF/etc?: deans scholarship

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How much are the scholarships worth, if anyone is comfortable sharing?

My son got in ā€” GPA: 4.24 weighted. SAT: 1500. IB program with 9 AP classes. Khoury School, CS Game Development. From Northern Virginia. Deanā€™s Scholarship.

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Decision: Daughter Accepted

SAT/ACT: Didnā€™t send it in (Oct. 2020 97th Percentile, 1400 - tough curve on that one, below their middle 50%)

GPA (UW/W + Scale Info): 3.92/4.0 UW; 4.31/5.0 W; 97.7/100 Weighted (95.4 UW; 6-7 College/AP classes get an extra 6%, Honors gets an extra 3%)); ~10th percentile at large suburban school that sends a good number of kids to NEU

State/Country: New York

Major: Biology

Did you apply for FA?: Yes - $31.1k Grant

Honors/NMF/etc?: $10k Deanā€™s Scholarship

So proud of the work she put in. Glad it paid off for her. For those that it didnā€™t, whether NEU had a spot for you this year or not doesnā€™t change all you have done over the past several years, or what you will do over the next 40.


well, since you also have posted on the Amherst ED and Columbia ED threads and said for both that the Dean of Admissions tried to call your cell and/or emailed you, I guess maybe one of them will come through for you. :wink:


Their website says $10k-$28k per year.

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hi guys I got into the NU in program first year even though on my application I stated that I wouldnā€™t prefer doing it first semesterā€¦ what does this mean? and what could I do?

It means that you can graduate from NU if you want to. You are no longer bound by the ED commitment. If you chose to accept it (you have until 5/1/21), you will take classes somewhere other than NU for the Fall 2021 semester. The credits will count towards NU. Typically this has meant going somewhere outside of the US, but with COVID, the list of places has shrunk to almost nothing except Boston. It is unknown what the program will look like in the Fall. If it is still like that, then you stay in a hotel or some other housing that NU arranges, and take classes at I guess another institution/online. Then, in Spring 2022, you are on campus at NU and the rest of your time there is the same as if you had been admitted from the start. A downside is missing out on traditional first semester Freshman stuff. For many schools, coming in during the Spring could be weird. Given all of NUā€™s co-ops and the such, kids come and go for five years. You werenā€™t denied, which is good. You can apply elsewhere (ED II somewhere, RD) and see what your other options/costs are, and then decide how to proceed. Best of luck.

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I got In !!

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Decision: Daughter accepted

SAT/ACT: 1570 SATs

GPA: 4.8 out of 5.0. 6 AP classes. Submitted AP scores (5s) from May 2020 tests.

State/Country: MA

Major: Undecided. Explorer Program.

Did you apply for FA?: No

Honors/NMF/etc?: $16k/year Deanā€™s Scholarship

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@hillybean Congratulations! My D is 3rd year at NU and did NUin London fall of freshman year. Amazing experience. NU is an amazing school. This year due to covid, they added a local ā€œBostonā€ NUin location. All NUin kids were in housing together down the street from the campus. Give it some consideration. If you have any questions on NUin, LMK. My HS Son is apply NU EA. I was on this tread just to see how kids are making out. Good luck w your choice! You can also go on YouTube and search NUin NU as all kids that go on NU create a video that is posted. Take a look.

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@alex1235 That is so interesting. I usually hear kids applied regular and got accepted w condition they HAVE to do NUin; or selected NUin and got it. NU is an amazing school so congratulations! My D is 3rd year biochem, loves it! Did NUin London 2018fall. all the best to you!

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Thank you! My S is open to the idea. His choices seem to be McGill and UC Dublin. Iā€™m a little leery. Seems like a way to park extra paying kids for a semester while protecting the admission stats, and reviews Iā€™ve seen seem mixed as far as the quality of the academics and the interaction with students at the schools where the programs take place. Housed off campus, classes with NUin kids only, etc. And a lot of money for what is essentially a satellite program! Plus, heā€™d been hoping to room with his best friend from pre-school, who got into the regular program. Weā€™ll see. I may message you with questions! Thanks again!