Northeastern University 2021 ED1

@hillybean Congratulations to your son! The NUin program is a really exciting way to start at NU. My son did it and made many close knit friends and took full advantage of the travel opportunities, museums ect. It really expanded his world view in the best way. It actually got him his first job since he ended up chatting so much with his boss about his experience. It develops a maturity/sophistication in the kids that is noticeable. Both of the programs you mention are great and certainly McGill has an excellent reputation. I know many parents of NUin students and they would agree it’s just an incredible program. My son applied to Northeastern requesting the NUin program as his first choice. He always tells me it was the best decision ever. He can’t imagine starting any other way.

Congratulations to everyone admitted ED! It’s such an exciting school and location!


Thank you for this! We have had a chance to ask a few questions and are feeling a bit more reassured about things. I’m glad your son had such a great experience and am hoping for the same for my son!

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@hillybean Best of luck! The Nuin program exceeded our expectations as has Northeastern in general. Before my son accepted a few years back he spoke to two students in our home town that attended the year before. Everything they said was accurate and it proved to be an incredible experience. It’s such a great and interesting group of kids! He roomed with other NUin friends when he returned to campus in January.


We’re excited!

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My son is a current 2nd year at NEU and started at NUin Ireland (Fall 2019). He would be happy to answer any questions you have about the program or coming in to campus in Spring. PM if you’d like. Good luck!

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To those who were accepted and are upper middle class (Below 200k income) and received their financial aid packages: how has financial aid been for you? I applied EA and am pretty concerned about financial aid.

Hey! Funny you ask this because I actually just had my acceptance withdrawn due to the financial aid being insufficient. Unfortunately every case is so different and unique, but for me the number that came back was very unexpected. The initial number was 24k off the estimated cost (I found using their calculator on their website) and after phone calls, emails, appeals, and headaches it was still 10k out of of reach (which was still a major stretch). I think a big part of that was that most of my families income comes from owning a business which makes determining aid extremely difficult, and that Northeastern is in the top 100 for most expensive schools :(. It’s hard to give you any idea until you receive it yourself, sorry. Good luck!

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I am sorry that you had to turn down your acceptance. Not taking on debt, and making financially sound decisions is to be admired. I wish you the very best success moving forward.


Did you get in?

did you get in?? I hope you did!!!