Northeastern University 2021 ED1

I personally think scores, or lack thereof, will be more of a factor in the EA and RD pools where there are tens of thousands of applicants and it adds one more factor to help them distinguish the applicant from the masses. In the ED round, they want to find applicants to accept this year and they made it clear that the commitment to Northeastern means a lot to them. My son tested last fall before the pandemic so he was able to submit scores, and I certainly hope it helps him, but I honestly donā€™t think in the ED round your daughter will be penalized unless the rest of her profile isnā€™t strong enough on its own. Good luck! Iā€™m anxiously counting down the minutes with you!

Could someone please tell me if thereā€™s scores have or have not changed? Itā€™s stressing me that I am the only one :pleading_face:. Thank You.

Hey! Just noticed that in the last few days 4 new documents have been added to my requested documents for financial aid. Has anyone else experienced this? Also i noticed someone mentioned that their dates changed, I also experienced this.

Yes! Documents have been added to mine as well. It happened twice and last time it just disappearedā€¦ Iā€™m thinking about giving the financial aid services a call to figure what the issue is.
Also, I donā€™t know what the date means. Iā€™ve heard rumors that it means they are done making our decision. But Iā€™m only an applicant so I really have no way of knowing. Good luck to you all!!! And donā€™t be discouraged if your date hasnā€™t changed. They have a lot of applications to get through so maybe they havenā€™t reached yours yet. Letā€™s not worry until we have to! Itā€™s almost here!!!


Hi! Donā€™t worry about your dates not changing. Iā€™m sure it just means that havenā€™t made your decision. Last year I was watching the decisions come out and people who never had a date change did get in. You have nothing to worry about! Good luck!


I love your comment. Thank you :blush:


I was told that my stats are not competitive, and my counselor told me that Iā€™m a competitive candidate. However here is my stats, only academic classes listed
GPA: 4.0/4.12 if the college courses are weighted then 4.3-4.4 W

Major: Biochemistry -PreMed program

SAT: None all cancelled

Classes Advanced: Hon Physics, AP Chem, AP Gov, Honors Microbiology, College Molecular Biology (DE) College Psychology(DE), Trig- PreCalc (Senior ) Math, and College Composition 1 (DE) second semester Senior year, Statitsics (DE)

Regular: English1-4, Accelerated Algebra - Algebra 2, Human Geography- US History, Biology, and Chemistry


  • High Honors 9-11

-Congressional Global Award of Excellence

-Top 10/ Academic Achievement Award

-Recognition Award from my Physics teacher

-National Honor Society (12)

After school activities:

-NHD research project (11-12) was heading to state but got canceled due to Covid

-Science Club (11-12)

-Math Team (11)

-Key Club (12)

-NYLF elected Award

-Did a lot of volunteering activities (community based)

-Did job shadowed at local hospital for a total of 24 hours (Junior Year)


  • Biology Professor

-Psychology Professor

-AP Government and Politics teacher

-AP Chemistry

-English 4 Contemporary and Literature

Chance: NYU, Berkely, U Mich, UIUC, Wash U

You had four letters of rec?

Chance Me Please!

Hey guys- applied ED with the following stats. Super anxious for the decisions this week. Also, a couple of documents due next June appeared in my application portal. They are for AP exams and credit fulfillments this year. Are those new/do they mean anything, or have I been oblivious this whole time? Thanks guys :slight_smile:

SAT superscore: 1440
GPA: UW 3.7/4; W 4.0/4.5
State: Massachusetts
Major: History/Political Science Combined
FA: no
Honors: no awards (if thatā€™s what this is asking). If itā€™s asking about honors classes, I was in 3 honors classes, 2 APs, and one normal class this year.

Thanks!! Really hoping to get in!

Guys this isnā€™t a chance me chat lol. We are not admissions people so our opinion doesnā€™t really matter. I hope we all get in but please stop asking me to chance youā€¦it wonā€™t help you.


When do you guys think admissions decisions will come out? Iā€™ve been literally checking the portal every five seconds Iā€™m so nervousā€¦

Based on past years, Iā€™m anticipating the 9th at 7PM EST, which is just over 48 hours from now. Yikes

Jeezā€¦ Do you know anything about the defferal rate? If we are expecting a 40-45% acceptance rate, how many you think would get deffered?

My guess is as good as yours. I would figure probably a bit higher than previous years, but I honestly donā€™t know. Boston college had about a 41% admit rate and 30% defer rate for ED1 this year.

Check your NW portal, it should say anticipation December 18th.

mine says the 15th

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The 18th??? My portal doesnā€™t say that

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I think she accidentally posted about Northwestern (thatā€™s their date).


ohhhh okā€¦ my heart stopped hahaha, I would not be able to wait that long

So my date changed again. My early decision agreement same on top but changed to 11/20 on bottom (was 11/10) just today. Strangeā€¦ anyone else?

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