Northeastern University 2021 ED1

do you guys think admissions are coming out today or tomorrow?

Probably tomorrow. I’m really freaking out, I hate not knowing

I’ve been reloading the admissions site constantly omg i really hope they release decisions today

i’m so worried! i don’t think they’re coming out tonight, wouldn’t they be out by 7?

In past NEU threads, it was between 7 and 8.

my optional school report now says 12/8/2020. Anyone else’s change?


Doesn’t look like tonight’s the night :frowning:

i guess tomorrow? unless it’ll come out later tonight. do you think they’ll send an email when they update our portals?

From reading past threads, they don’t give you a heads up
 you just have to wait

theyll definitely send an email. Last year peoples portal dates were changing on 12/10 and decisions came out the day after. Seeing that portal dates for various things were being changed today I think that’s another sign that decisions come out tomorrow.

Good to know! I didn’t think they’d alert us lol

Hey guys, I’m relentlessly refreshing my app page and I’m noticing two documents due 6/30/21. Apparently they’re for AP credit and stuff like that. Have these been there this whole time and I’ve just been oblivious, or are these new? And if they are new, what do they mean in terms of admission? Thanks!

I’m sorry if this was already asked, but what does it mean that they’ve changed the date on the Early Decision Agreement to today (12/8)? Good sign? Bad sign? No sign??

They’ve been there the whole time for us. Has to do with timing of completing courses this year and then taking the AP exams.

i think it’s a signal that they’ve solidified your decision, but definitely doesn’t point towards a yes or no, so don’t worry!

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i’ve had them the whole time but haven’t done anything about them. has anyone else turned anything in for them?

no, because I don’t have any college transcripts to send, and there’s no point in sending your official exam scores unless you plan to enroll. and they wouldn’t have any effect on your admissions especially if you self-reported on the common app

were not sure what it means but not everyone’s changed hopefully a good sign

I know a lot of kids including myself had their ED agreement date changed to 11/20. My guess would be that it means the application decision has been made. I have no clue as to whether it’s a positive or negative sign.