Northeastern University 2021 ED2

Hi all, I havent seen a thread specifically for NEU ED2 applicants so I figured I’d start one :slight_smile: my prediction is that we’ll get decisions 2/3 at the earliest! fingers crossed


that’s too early to be true lol

yea I’m being optimistic- if not 2/3 im feeling 2/10

It’s the queen herself, but I’m hoping for 2/3 :pray:

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ALSO someone tell me why every tiktok on my fyp is about getting rejected from Northeastern what does this say about me


Omg yes everyone got deferred and I’m just like ummm

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excited! i am hoping for 2/3. but we’ll see

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byeeee im literally so nervous, especially after seeing all the early action kids get deferred :c i kinda doubt 2/3 is gonna be the day they release on, it seems a bit early to me ?

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the past two years it has been the first Wednesday of feb, so it could be 2/3


I think the deferrals are to protect their yield, so they move people to RD so they can see how much interest they demonstrate and how likely they are to actually go- yield is less of a concern for ED !!

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Anybody know how many ppl applied ED2?

I’m guessing around 1100-1200 people just going off of previous years. Also, I think they’re going to accept around 400-500 people in ed2, so hopefully it works in our favor!


I really hope it’s 2/3 but that seems so early!

Feb 15th

Feb 3, 7PM

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Do u guys have this in Upload Documents

wait whattttttt :flushed:

do u have it :scream:

I have that :frowning_face:

I don’t think it means anything though(hopefully)

a sign we’re deferred

jk lol