Northeastern University 2021 RD

Yes, that is quite common.

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What does your merit letter say regarding this?

I guess you never know
I got into NUin but rejected from GAtech

Yep no rhythm or reason! It’s a crazy process!

It says “your Dean’s scholarship is in the amount of $12,000 for your freshman year and $6000 per full semester during your upper class- years while you are attending classes. Your scholarship is renewable each year provided you adhere to the attached guidelines for up to a total of $48,000 over the course of your undergraduate academic career.”

So even if it doesn’t apply to that first semester of freshman year abroad, the full amount should apply to the second half of the year? No?

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If you were admitted to, then yes, the 12k for freshman year is applied solely to your second semester.

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Federal and state grants cannot be used for the NU In semester but university grants, like the Dean’s scholarship, can, I believe. Best to call admissions for confirmation.


Listen to TomSrOfBoston over me, he’s like to wizard of NU knowledge :wink:


Then you don’t need to worry. If nothing out of ordinary, they must honor their offer. If you worry, you’d better accept now.
They only rescind if someone provide false info in application or last semester grade drop terribly.

Actually, this isn’t always the case. In past years, mistakes have been made by colleges, including Harvard, Stanford, etc. What has happened is that these colleges have released acceptances and denials to the wrong people. 10 minutes later, they released an apology and the correct admissions decisions. If a college released the wrong decision for a student, they do not have to honor it. Of course, this usually happens on a wide scale, not a couple of instances. @cam125cool you have nothing to worry about. You, me, and everyone else who was accepted this year were accepted for a variety of reasons, and you should be really proud of your accomplishment. Congratulations!

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What is correct is that Northeastern will rescind an admission if you receive any grades below a C in your senior year, have an academic punishment such as suspension/expulsion (must be explained and agreed by AO), or criminal activity such as a misdemeanor/felony. Basically, no D’s, no F’s, and no felonies and you will be fine.

Do you happen to have any stats on % of students getting accepted from waitlist?

So this cannot be exactly determined, but in past years, NU has not taken many off of the waitlist. In 2018, no students were accepted from the waitlist. Overall, colleges like NU may accept between 5-10% of students off of the waitlist, yet NU is fickle about it.


Need your advice how do you compare NUin Cs + economics 75k/ year vs Purdue CS 45k/year

How much does on average you can make in NEU coop ?
What years you typically do coops ?
Does CS + Economics can help apply different industry jobs like Software vs Wall Street finance ?

Thank you for the info!

Hi @NJcollege2021

Although Tom hasn’t answered yet, I will try to give some information based on my knowledge. For starters, NEU and Purdue are both fantastic schools. If you are worried about the cost of college and being able to pay off student loans, definitely attend Purdue. If you are interested in top-of-the-nation work opportunities, want to stay abroad for your first semester, and attend a T50 university, go to NEU. NU CS and Purdue CS are somewhat comparable, although NU has an edge. It is completely up to you to decide where you are more interested in attending, but of course, NU is in a really nice location in Boston compared to Indiana. I would recommend attending NU as the opportunities are endless, but you will have a good experience at either school. If you are worried about job opportunities after college, the place you attain your degree is not always as important as the experience and work you have while/after you complete your degree. With this, if you want to have more work experience and opportunities, NU’s co-ops are unbeatable. This is why NU is #1 in the nation in job placement.

On average, NU coops pay $12-15 an hour across 4 months. In more science-related fields, including CS, the pay can be up to $30 an hour. Since you will work a 9-5 job for about 4 months, you can expect to make between 7500-10,000 before taxes.

Coops are typically done in your sophomore or junior year. Although coops are not required, they are highly encouraged. A coop is a full-time job, so you won’t be studying at NU while you participate. This is why many NU students complete coops over the summer or load up on courses during fall/spring in order to graduate in 4 years while also completing coops. If you decide to not take either of these approaches, it is likely you will graduate in 5 years.

CS + Economics is a very diverse and open education that would absolutely help in Software and Wall Street finance. It would help a lot if you decide to go into Accounting, Business Admin, or an overall Business education in Graduate School or at a firm.

If you have any other questions, please let me know!

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I am not familiar with Purdue other than it is an excellent STEM school. The price difference is something to discuss with your family.

A rule of thumb is that your coop earnings would cover your living expenses while on coop. If your coop job is near your home you could save money of course. The earliest you would start coop is second semester of sophomore year. Earnings from coop vary greatly. CS jobs pay very well and some pay extremely well. @PengsPhils may have more detailed information on that.

Here is a list from the Northeastern website:
Hourly wage (academic year 2019-20)
Undergrad First Co-op $25
Undergrad Second Co-op $28
Graduate Co-op $44


Perhaps in Social Sciences and Humanities. In most majors a coop lasts 6 months.

In several recent cycles Northeastern was overenrolled and accepted few if any students off the waitlist.

Ahh I see that. Im in CSSH. Good to know