Northeastern University Early Action / Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

they also sometime admit ED applicants via NUIN - which becomes non binding. they have mismanaged enrollment a bit lately and have some students in a hotel off campus - they have not caught up to their math regarding yield

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Iā€™m not sure itā€™s fair to say they ā€œmismanaged enrollmentā€ when it was in fact just an unexpected extremely high yield (those admitted who chose to come to NU) in Fall, 2021 and a high yield in NUIN likely bc students had the choice to just start NUin in Boston due to covid travel restrictions continuing. Likely high interest bc NU managed covid so well and had in person classes in Fall 2020 when almost no other school did.

For this last cycle they managed admissions so well as they had to minimize the class size of Fall 2022 leading to a very small class size and low admission rate. They usually never report NUIN and NUBound numbers but last year there was an article with some numbers and those remained fairly high.
They started using hotels during covid to house NUin students that were offered a spot but could not travel fall of 2020 and 2021 due to covid (and hotels had room due to no tourists.) This year they are still apparently using some hotels to help manage overflow from that high yield of students from fall 2021 (and returning NUin students) No NUIN students were in Boston this fall. Theyā€™ve also made some doubles into triples and singles in doubles to still manage that high yield.

That high yield/overenrollment has had its repercussions through the system and likely will for another year or maybe even two.


It may be even higher with the Tulane guy there now. He loves ED applicants.

I agree with twicemama that it was not really mismanagement that led to the use of hotels. I think the hotels started my sonā€™s freshman year during the pandemic in 2020. NUin students could not study in most of the normal abroad locations, except for Ireland, and they housed students at the Westin and Midtown Hotels, which are about a 10 minute walk to campus. The class that started in 2021 had a high yield with many more students accepting their offer of admission than previous years, probably due in part to their excellent response to the pandemic where over 1 million Covid tests were given and students could remain on campus. I think NU handled Covid-19 better than almost all of other colleges my son applied to. I also appreciate that they curtailed the class size for this yearā€™s freshmen to reduce crowding on campus.


@Kim_Flood where do you see that they extended the ED application time? I am not seeing that on their website.

Initially the notification date was no later than January 1st on the portal a few weeks ago after applications were due it was changed to no later than December 15th

Oh I see. The notification date has changed. I thought the earlier comment meant they offered more time for applicants to submit ED. ED decisions have always come in around the first week of December (although the notification date is always posted as later, likely to allow more time just in case.) youā€™ll prob hear decisions this week! Good luck!


Thanks! Yeah, I looked into it and it seems to usually be on the Wednesday of that week 7-7:30 ET as mentioned in above post! Hopefully just five more days!

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Time for portal astrology! Some people are saying they noticed another ED agreement with a recent date in the upload files section. Does anyone else see that?

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See that here as well - had not noticed it.

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Confirmed, also see it here.
Screenshot 2022-12-04 131545

What is the significance of this?

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It could be significant, it could not. Thereā€™s maybe the guess that since they are seeing this it means they got in, but it also could just be nothing.

Ok. Thank you!

Itā€™s no problem! Best of luck!

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Didnā€™t the school require all ED applicants to reaffirm their ED choices with regards to the other enrollment options (NUIn, etc)? My guess is that is what the second agreement is.


No, only if you wanted to change it. Though maybe there was an auto submit that happened at the deadline even if nothing was changed. Thatā€™s good speculation, I forget what the deadline to change was but I do think it was around Dec 1.

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My portal has the admissions officer removed from it and just says to contact ā€œadmissions.ā€ Trying not to worry but this seems like a bad sign?
Screenshot 2022-12-05 11.02.09 AM

Mine too. Wonder what that means, if anything?

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Iā€™m assuming it means nothing but still stressing me out.