Northeastern University Early Action / Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

Your second post about the “games” explained more than your first. Good luck and I hope your D is very happy at her chosen school.


Today better be the day🥲


May I ask if he was contacted by NEU at all during that time (between EA deferral and his admission for regular decision)? I think Case Western is known to do that, to gage the probability a kid will commit, although maybe this is just in regards to being on the waitlist. Case Western was the first choice for my friend’s daughter. She had high stats but was waitlisted. They called her weekly to see if she still wanted to stay on the waitlist (it was cruel because every time she was called she hoped it was an offer for admission.) She kept telling them yes, she was still interested, but never ended up getting off the waitlist and attended a different school.

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No, there was no communication from colleges for my son between the time he was deferred EA by NU, Georgetown and Michigan and the time of their RD decisions.

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Ironically my D23 has EA into all three of those schools. If I may ask, where did your son end up?

Northeastern. He applied to Michigan for engineering and regretted not applying to another major because he was undecided and engineering is a tough admit. Northeastern’s Explore program for undecided students was terrific and NU handled Covid better than either G’town or MI so it all worked out for the best.


Great to hear and sounds like great fit and choice for him! Thanks for sharing.

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My applicant portal just added a calendar, with an added date for December 15th for an online event (NU Accelerate)


Mine has that too

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I can see this too. Do you think it means anything?

That is interesting. The NU Accelerate online event has appeared in my son’s portal, too. However he is an EA, not ED applicant. So I doubt it indicates anything about acceptance for the ED folks.

I went to the Northeastern web site, and the only NU Accelerate programs listed there currently are summer programs for rising juniors and seniors (not our 2023 grads). But other forums from last year mention NU Accelerate being an online spring program for ED admits, which seems more consistent with the description in the link (“NU Accelerate courses for the Spring 2023 Term”). If the program is for ED students only, I wonder why my son would have received this calendar link… I suppose EA applicants like him might convert to ED2, though.


My daughter also applied EA and also has the event on her portal.

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I really need to get my son’s login information for all these schools!! :grin:


More info about NUAccelerate for ED students.


i applied ed and i dont see this - could that mean something?

The wildest thing. I saw it too 10 minutes ago and went back just now to screen shot for a friend. And now it’s gone!

Does it still show up for some of you?

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It disappeared!

I can’t find it anymore either

Looks like they may have accidentally posted it early. Based on the description it seems intended for admitted students only. So, probably good news for those who saw it?
(And they may have caught it and rolled it back before it went out to everyone, so if you didn’t see it don’t worry).

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I applied EA, not ED and saw it. So, I don’t think it indicates acceptance.