Northeastern University Early Action / Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

Yes - My son’s says deferral request says Boston - that is the campus he got into.

D23 in Boston with Finance major
Captain VB, varsity all 4yrs
Great ECs
Really good essay


EA decisions don’t come out until late January :slight_smile:


sad trombone

It’s a no go here :(. Didnt submit SATs, weighted GPA 3.96, unweighted 3.4
(3 college classes tanked his HS GPA, calc, physics and the most unreasonable, jaded, condescending Lit teacher I ever had the displeasure of talking to)

Pretty much all AP classes, closing in on 64 college credits and his Associates degree in May a couple weeks before his HS graduation.

Natl Honor Soc in 12, Honors in 9-11. Lots of community involvement and volunteerism.
Applied for Int’l Business & Innovation

Congrats to all who are in or have children who are in.

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Thank you so so much! I guess we can assume she got in!

Scholarship link works now - so get your financial aid/scholarship links again.


My DS filled in the following and his letter says he needs to pay the deposit by May 1st.

Study in Boston: Yes, I would prefer to spend my first year studying in Boston.
Study Abroad: Yes, I am open to spending my first semester of my first year abroad

He selected No for Global Scholars, Oakland 4 year and London 4 year.

My understanding is that this offer is not binding because NU.In was not his first preference. Am I correct in assuming that he can apply ED2 to another school if he wants to? And also to choose among other EA or RD acceptances when they come in?



Our financial aid / scholarship link still asks for a sign in she doesn’t know. If you got it to work we appreciate any tips.

Rob - he sounds like an amazing kid. I’m sure he’ll end up at a great school and be very happy, although I’m sure hard for him to realize that right now. Best of luck and chin up!


Did it just open when you clicked it?

Accepted Boston
4.8 W / 3.7 UW
1460 SAT submitted
10 AP/AICE & 1 DE & most of rest Honors
Lots of volunteering & clubs (President of 1)
NHS, DECA tournaments, Girl Scout Gold (pending)
Undecided - Explore program


It did this time yes - initially it did not.

I think your assessment is correct. Sounds like he’s released from binding ED. My son got his preferred location and his letter says “this is binding decision, you will be expected to make deposit by Jan 15”.

Continuing the discussion from Northeastern University Early Action / Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission:

DS got in!!! He was accepted to computer science for combined computer science/neuroscience major, NUin

1450 SAT (superscore)
88 unweighted, 94 weighted
We don’t get ranking
8 APs plus 2 dual enrollment
Only one strong EC but he’s president of the club and wrote a good essay about it

I honestly felt like this was a long shot because of his grades so I’m so happy for him!!


My daughter got the same email, but the intro says she got in to NUin. That means she is accepted to NU through attending their 1st semester abroad! The options below are to do NU Accelerate which is their summer program; or do a deferral from NUin. We just got this, but there should be an acceptance for NUin. That is what we’ll do!

AHHHH!!! I got in to engineering for combined Mechanical Engineering / design major, NUin

1450 SAT
34 ACT(I sent both)
3.6 unweighted, 4.0 weighted
We don’t get ranking
6 APs(4s on the 4 exams I have taken) plus 4 dual enrollment
President of robotics team, lead roles in multiple school plays, lots of volunteering


Thank you very much! Yes, we have all that and there was a financial aid letter uploaded, but she didn’t get an actual acceptance letter and can’t access the financial aid letter. So we are assuming she is in!

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Yes. I think that is correct. My daughter did the same thing. Her first preference was first year studying in Boston. Her second preference was NUin. She was accepted NUin but its non-binding because it wasn’t her first choice. Do you know how long they have to decide whether they will accept the NUin offer?

Wow! 64 college credits! That’s so impressive. He sounds like a hard worker and incredibly smart. He’ll do great wherever he lands.


Last year they were managing their yield incredibly tight bc of hr super high unexpected yield they had the year before. Other than that, I don’t think NU games anything more than any other university. Plenty of people must think somewhat highly of NU or their application numbers would be declining not growing. Sorry your D had that experience.