Northeastern University Early Action / Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

I copied & pasted some of the decisions from last years Northeastern’s thread just to show the variety of acceptances. So doesn’t seem to be a rhyme or reason other than a very competitive pool. But many do stress that demonstrated interest is important.

-Accepted Khoury College of Computer Science!

1530 SAT
3.92/4.3 GPA
Took a gap year

-Accepted! Data Science and Business Admin at D’Amore Mckim! 1440 Superscore and 4.02 W GPA! Cannot wait to meet everyone!

-DC was accepted EA business/finance major - 16k/yr merit.

No hooks, very average ECs.
4.0UW, 4 APs (5s), 1560 (taken once Dec 2020). FAFSA not filled.

Daughter Accepted NUin, $12k merit
W Female, Midwest
35 ACT(36 SS)
I don’t know her other stats but straight A’s, lots of honors classes, AP’s, EC’s,
Varsity Captain
She indicated she wasn’t interested in NUin but still got it.

-Daughter from MN was deferred (haven’t seen anyone from our state get in lol)

3.48W GPA
24 [ACT] but applied test optional
8 APs and 7 honors
170 hours of community service
125/475 class rank

-S22 Deferred from MD (business: undeclared)
13 AP classes
4 yrs varsity athlete, 8 yrs orchestra outside of school, club treasurer, community service, multiple PT jobs

-My DD was was option 2
2. Deferred – was open to (4.3w, 1520 SAT, great ECs, all honors/5APs (4 or 5))

-Accepted from MD into Explore Program (undeclared). 1480 SAT, 4.0 UW, 4.6 W. Showed a lot of demonstrated interest (campus tour and info sessions) and said I did not want NUin on application.

-got accepted into CS
lots of ap/ib classes
good ecs
dean scholarship $64k

I don’t think my stats and ecs got me in… Demonstrated interest played a massive factor in [Northeastern] admissions this year (I think). All the people I talked to that got in EA showed a lot of demonstrated interest and all did at least an in-person tour (including me). Even if you are a very strong applicant they want assurance that it is possible that you attend their school, and while all schools are like this, I think it is especially true for northeastern because they are trying to increase yield, eliminate the problem of overenrollment, and deal with a 30% increase in EA applicants from last year. GL to everyone that got deferred in regular decision. Tough year

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So reading through those samples makes me think it may not matter whether you are on the high end or lower end of their stats as long as you fit in there somewhere and show demonstrated interest. So if a 1550 SAT kid doesn’t get in, it might be due to a low score on Demonstrated interest and if a kid with a 1400 gets in, it might be due to a high score on Demonstrated interest.

I saw kids with 1500-1540 SAT and GPAs up to 3.8UW getting accepted and those above these stats getting deferred or waitlisted.
(To be clear, I’m referring to unhooked kids - white or ORM).

Their approach to high stat kids seems unfair but I have to admit they aren’t entirely wrong - a lot of those high stat kids would indeed go elsewhere if accepted. So they prefer to see these kids apply ED1/2.

What would be good though, is explicitly have a “why us?” essay as @TomSrOfBoston suggested. Giving preference to those who do submit such an essay disadvantages those who take them at face value regarding not requiring supplementals and that IMO doesn’t create a level playing field.


This is the thread I found with that info so if you go to the posts at the end of January, that’s when acceptances start to roll in and you can look at those who got in and those who didn’t.

Having said that, it’s probably useless for our kids (or parents) to obsess over those posts as there are always exceptions and we never really know the rubric colleges use from year to year. So my philosophy is for students to submit applications early, highlighting the areas that help them shine, show interest in whatever ways they can and let the process run its course. Assuming students have a strong list of reach, target & safety schools, they will find a great college home at the end of this crazy process.


My D is a first year at NU, along with 3 of her high school classmates. I suspect that NU also looks at your high school’s history of sending kids to NU and the yield from that school. Our high school seems to have a lot of kids pick NU over the years, most likely the combo of being in Boston and the coops. May be worth looking at the Naviance data to see the high school’s track record for sending kids to NU.


So great your child has a balanced approach to college choices. So healthy and realistic. I was glad when neither of my kids had a “dream school” as it helped reduce the stress of the process. Nice to see kids know they can be happy in various settings… college is what you make it imo.


I feel I’ve read kids attach such an essay in and “other documents” section on their common app.


I saw that his school had 15 students enrolled at NU but I assume that is over the past few years? Not sure if that’s a good number or not. Did you have any luck with merit to NU? We will get some financial aid (our EFC is about $40K but might be a little lower next year-my husband is self-employed and had a slower year) but the price tag is so high to start with so merit would be a must in our case. So NU is an academic reach AND a financial reach in our case. Is your daughter liking it so far?

His attitude and realistic expectations do help quite a bit. Yes, we were clear with both kids about our budget but allowed them to apply to any school where there was chance-even if low- (via financial aid or merit) of getting to our goal. My daughter was more the dream school kid (first it was NYU then Berklee for music) but when the offers came in and she saw the bottom line and how much more her current college offered, she was realistic in her choice and never regretted it.

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15 seems like a good number. My daughter is really enjoying it, has found her tribe and connecting with the club sport she really wanted to play. She got a very strong merit offer that made NU affordable. Honors program has perks around housing, smaller honors sections of core classes, and funding for summer study abroad program. It was definitely her first choice school so she felt especially lucky to get in given the low admission rate.


You can run the NPC but my understanding is that it is not reliable when a parent is self employed and/or parents are divorced. But it might be a gauge of what you might expect from financial aid if admitted.

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Yes it’s hard to count on the NPC. The other issue is that we will have 2 in college in 2023-2024 but that’s it (my daughter graduates in 2024.) So year one might look good but the price could go up a lot for year 2, 3, 4. So we have to be careful and proactive. The NPC for Boston College came out to $26K but NU came out to $36K so not sure why so different but every school has their own formula. So not holding my breath! I think his National Hispanic Merit scholar may help with merit (if he even gets in) but not sure.

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Totally off topic but just saw this. Praying everyone is ok.

BOSTON, Mass. (WGGB/WSHM) - Emergency crews are responding to Northeastern University in Boston Tuesday night for a reported explosion.

Northeastern University Police reported that crews responded to an incident at Holmes Hall. Boston EMS also reported that they dispatched multiple units to Leon Street.

According to Boston EMS, one person was treated and taken to a local hospital.

No other information is available at this time.

ABC News reported a 45-year-old staff member received minor injuries to his hand, the Boston Police, bomb squad and FBI are investigating and “the scene is secure.”

Thank you for the update. Thank goodness the staff member didn’t sustain worse injuries. How awful.

The package was delivered to the Virtual Reality Center in Holmes Hall. It contained a rambling note denouncing virtual reality, Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg. Police said there were no explosives in the package but that it was pressurized resulting in the explosion.

All Boston area colleges are on alert, especially around their tech facilities.

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Appreciate that update. Sounds like an isolated incident involving someone with mental health issues. Hopefully they find the culprit and the staff member is ok.

So, my daughter likes NEU, but it’s not her top choice. She plans to apply ED1 to a different school. She has high rigor, GPA, test scores and strong ECs/essays. She’s a majority, unhooked applicant from the Northeast. In your view, does she a better chance at NEU if she applies EA or regular?


EA doesn’t really give an advantage in NU admissions like ED. People do it for an earlier decision but my high stats son was deferred EA and accepted with merit RD.


Thank you! So your take is…no harm, but they are not really going to consider the EA app until RD??