Northeastern University Early Action / Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

I couldn’t find anything googling either. It doesn’t see there is any info out there about this, or at least I haven’t found it. Hopefully we hear back from the individual at NEU soon. They mentioned taking classes related to his desired NEU major. Son is currently taking 3 college business classes and has a 95%+ in all of them and is scheduled to take 3 more biz classes in spring. Hoping that comes close to meeting whatever they’re looking for. We figured NEU would not WANT to see someone take biz classes from a “lesser” college so he focused on core classes that have nothing to do with his bachelors and would allow him to get his AA. Then when there was nothing left but required honors AA degree classes and electives, he loaded up on biz classes. These weren’t included in his college transcript that was sent to NEU so perhaps that will check some more boxes?

But I am a bit relieved to hear that this is NOT a common statement on a rejection letter, as it implies he really does still have a shot.


Thanks for sharing your experience. I’m trying to make sense of this option and so far the best I can come up with is that it might be a “third” option for those who did not choose the IN and global. I wondered if he allowed that option he would have gotten in. But he definitely did not want to do that. Did your child also only choose Boston campus only?

Yes, Boston campus only. We’re local and he wants to be able to come home weekends. He also didn’t want to dump his girlfriend or have a long distance relationship :).

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I think the guaranteed transfer may be relatively new. There are a couple of discussions about it on Reddit from students who also received that option.

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It has been offered in the past but it is rare.

My son was accepted ED and his application status checker says there’s a financial aid letter but he can’t open it because it requires a login with a Northeastern account. Has anyone else figured out how to open the letter or when we will be able to?

Could you share the link on Reddit? I couldn’t find it when I googled it. Thanks!

Here you go:


Did anyone get any merit? In this thread I see only one student accepted to honors received an award. Could that be it? Or could we hear at a later time?

FA and merit are provided at the time of admissions. FA should be there if your FAFSA and CSS were in on time. There is usually a separate tab on your admission portal.

Had a Merit letter - It was broken Thur night - then fixed Thur night - now it does not work for me anymore.

The letter opens now. We only got the student stafford loan and most unsubsidized. So they don’t think we qualify for any aid and yet we definitely do not have enough $$ to pay for this. Has anyone heard of anyone appealing financial aid to NU and being successful?

Hi! From what I have understood you are just with other NEU students in classes and the groups tend to form close bonds! Hope this helps.

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NU is not known for negotiating on aid, sorry to say. did you run the NPC before applying? Either way, I’d call FA tomorrow and be sure they have both of your FAFSA and CSS forms to check on things.

Contact the financial aid office and ask about options to appeal your financial aid. They are very helpful and will most likely suggest a change of circumstance application to appeal your aid. Did your student receive any merit aid? I’ve found NU to be very responsive to assisting financially.


Son got a merit award letter.


If you hear back from NEU re: guaranteed transfer please post and I’ll do the same. Nothing heard yet :(.

If I accidentally put I am not applying for financial aid on common app but filled out the fafsa and the css what should i do? @delaney.roe

Did you apply ED? I would say you have two options… contact the FA office for guidance on whether they review everyone’s application and/or email your AO and let them know you need to change that question on your application.

I am planning to switch from EA to EDII so who should I contact? And thanks so much for the help!!