Northeastern University Early Action / Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

Hi! Congratulations on everybody’s acceptance!! I’ve recently applied RD to Northeastern and interested in applying ED2. I was wondering if my stats are strong enough for it.

  • Asian
  • New York City
  • 95.28 weighted
  • 2 APs and rest mostly honors
  • My school doesn’t do class rank (class of 70 if that matters)
  • Test-Optional
  • National Honor Society, Rho Kappa National History Society, and getting principal list every year in my school
  • Strong ECs including president for 2 clubs, being a Chinese cultural and traditional advocate for an outside organization, being a chairperson for my HS’s student government, 4 years in my HS and outside softball team (Captain for both teams senior year), and owning a small business for 3 years and working as a tutor, babysitter, and sales associate/ cashier.
  • I do believe my essay is good but again that’s from my own perspective lol
  • I’m a need-base student and applying for financial aid (EFC: $0)

I understand my GPA isn’t the best and I didn’t really challenge myself with more AP classes, but I couldn’t really afford the courses. I was wondering if anybody can help as I just wanna get a general idea of where I land for admission.


We are small mom and pop. NE asked for entire return. I’m kinda glad bc the CSS profile doesn’t take into account cost of goods sold, so it looks like we’re sitting on a ton of profits and cash but we certainly are NOT. The NPCs look at broad general numbers. It’s ridiculous. And now NE has pushed EA notifications to collide with ED2 ones so only the well off can benefit mostly. Sad. (I’ve also noticed a ton of private school kids acceptances on their insta feed.)

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Very helpful! Thanks for replying. My D has similar stats, except SAT (1520) and not legacy, but Varsity sport, good ECs, art awards and graphic design business. Glad he is having a good experience. Kids seem to love NU and hard to beat Boston.


Hi, it’s really hard to know when it will come out exactly unfortunately - last year I found out on February 2nd, so hopefully it’ll be sooner rather than later this year as well!

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Portal says “no later than Feb 1” (which falls on a Wednesday) for my EA kiddo.

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Your best odds were ED1. My son has IMO a stronger resume and didn’t make it and we also aren’t relying on financial aid (though I applied to see what they’d offer). Anything can happen, you have circumstances that others don’t and nobody can guess how admissions will factor that in, but my personal opinion is that NEU is a reach school based on what you’ve shared espcially since you didn’t apply ED1 and are looking for a lot of aid. But I’m not on the admissions board, so who knows? All you can do is apply and wait and see what happens.

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Yes, you have a very good chance. If NU is what you really want apply ED2. Much depends on the school you are applying. NU values experiential learning and global citizenship. Gear your application towards those values.

We requested a financial pre-read in October because my son was considering ED. Ended up doing EA. Northeastern estimated $31.5K COA based on FAFSA & the CSS profile. Our goal is under $25K and most of his acceptances so far are at or below $25K. We are trying to see what we can do to bring the cost of NEU down to our comfort level if my son gets in. It looks like he could audition for a musical group or band (even as a non-music major) and get $2K-$5K. He’s a drummer in honor band so he’s pretty good. He may qualify for some outside scholarships too. But NEU is needs-based so if he gets a music scholarship or outside scholarship won’t they just take that away from the financial aid package and we can’t expect to get the COA below $31.5K no matter what we do? I don’t think they allow stacking of outside scholarships. If anyone has knowledge of this, please share. Thanks!

I think you’ll have to wait and see. My gut sense is the music scholarships might be allowed as additional bc that is likely offered but the dept and not FA/admissions. What field might your son be studying? I ask bc it is worth thinking about the value of coop, and the earnings he’ll make while on coop. Many students, depending on the major, actually earn enough to cover their housing and living expenses while on coop and then can save some to help covered tuition in other semesters. This is usually CS and engineering degrees. I must say that some majors have coops that pay very little or even are unpaid (my older D had two like this) but the experience gained was invaluable and got her better employment right after college and beyond.
Also, NU is very generous with the number of credits they accept so you can save a semester or even 1.5/2 and graduate in less than 8 semesters. And lastly, some times too upper class students keep working part time at their coop jobs while back in school. I’m just saying that there are some other considerations, but clearly that is a family decision.

Also, both my Ds had small outside scholarships (under $2k) for the first two years and while reported them to NU, it did not change anything. A couple were paid to NU, a couple directly to her.

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Thank you for this info! Obviously, step 1 is getting in and we haven’t passed that hurdle yet. But I just want have a sense of where we might stand if he does get in. Being his dream school, I want to be sure all options are on the table while being realistic at the same time. He plans to study psychology w/ end goal of PhD in clinical psych. So a co-op school (and a costly college) may not make a whole lot of sense, although we spoke to a psychology professor and student when we did the preview day and they do have meaningful placements (but tend to have little or no pay.) I think my son would be willing to do his co-op at home to save money so that’s an option. He will have a decent amount of AP, Syracuse University & CLEP credits coming in so that could help reduce his time there to save $. I think we just need to really crunch the numbers if he gets in and examine the FA package and any merit. The good thing is that the Northeastern promise will ensure that the COA stays the same for up to 8 semesters so that is a plus and we can get a true picture. Appreciate your info!

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I’ve been working with transfer admissions on this guaranteed offer and was waiting for the final verdict before commenting here. Unfortunately the results were not positive. My son is a “corner case” as he will have 64 credits in May and at the advice of NEU admissions (whom we met with in person 6 months ago), he did not graduate from HS early even though he was eligible his junior year.

This is a very complex subject because different colleges handle things different ways. We had to decide based on unknowns whether to include college classes that were NOT required to graduate HS on his HS transcript. Including them would have raised his HS GPA, but many colleges would then exclude transfer of those college classes BECAUSE they were on his HS transcript. Ultimately we decided that if the college class didn’t count toward his HS requirements, the HS should not include it on his HS transcript. This may have cost us in the case of NECC ED because his unweighted GPA would have been raised a half point… but it also may have made those classes ineligible for credit transfer to NEU or other institutions.

Anyway, the transfer agreement said he would need to take 30 credits after high school graduation. The person at NEU I was working with agreed that it made no sense for him to take ANOTHER 30 credits beyond the 64 he will already have and brought our particular case to the admissions board to see if there was some way to adjust the requirements (maybe have him graduate HS immediately before his fall semester college credits were issued that way he’d get 30 credits “after HS”).

The decision was made that he would have to do another 30 even if he graduated today and that regardless, he would not be eligible for transfer until Fall 2024. He’s not going to throw a year away over a checkbox, so I guess he’s going to be busy applying to all his backups over the next 2 weeks. This sucks.

That really does suck, especially since he followed the advise of NEU! So sorry to hear this.

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I am sort of confused. Cant he just go to his second choice school for a year, take the normal college credit load there and then decide if he wants to take the transfer to NU? . He’s is not obligated to transfer and he would be able to transfer most all if his credits. I don’t understand how he is loosing a year.

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Hi, financial aid shouldn’t be affected as it is based on need. Merit however could may be affected since ED2 shows more commitment and they could lowball their merit offerings, but you can still get out of the binding agreement due to not receiving enough aid/scholarships. I personally didn’t qualify for financial aid, however I did still receive a merit scholarship with ED2. Hope this helps, good luck!


He will have his associates degree in May 2023 with 64 credits. Before he “officially” graduates HS (even though he is full time college now, NEU suggested he NOT graduate HS early or he would have to come in as a transfer to NEU and wouldn’t be eligible for ED and his odds of acceptance would drop substantially).

He needs to take at least 64 credits at NEU to receive an NEU degree (this is an NEU requirement), thus he can’t transfer more than 64 credits. So if he goes to another college (this would be his THIRD full year of college) and earns another 30 credits, he would have ~94 credits, of which at least 30 can’t be transfered. So it’s a waste of a year and $$$.

Nobody had any way of knowing how this would go, all we could do at the time was try to make educated guesses. In hindsight, maybe we should have graduated him early. Nobody is to blame, it would have been nice if NEU was willing to come up with a creative solution, but I realize setting a new precident could open a can of worms for them. It is what it is and it’s time to move on.


Sorry it didn’t work out but I’m sure things will work out wherever he lands.

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Yes, one needs to consider the long term plans (PhD) as well… you’ll make the best choice at the time.

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Anyone received email asking to complete the SRAR section for international students? In the email it said that applicants need to login to the portal and complete the required checklist material, find the SRAR section. My son’s required checklist material doesn’t have SRAR in it. The due date is Jan 3, 2023 and the office will be closed for the holiday soon.

Ivywise consultants posted in their blog NEU’s ED rates.

ED I: ~38.9%
(Boston campus only, confirmed via email)

ED I: ~32.6%
(Boston campus only, confirmed via email)

Wonder how the NUin/GlobalScholar admission rates are and also how the NU in London and Oakland (4yr program) rates factor in. Seems like an argument can be made that it’s not necessarily that NE “games” the system or not, but maybe the traditional admissions metrics aren’t able to capture the complexity of NE programs anymore.

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My D is a senior. She has gotten outside scholarships every year she’s attended NEU, and they were stacked on top of her honors scholarship and her NEU “grant.” I would confirm it with the financial aid office, but I am pretty sure they stack scholarships.