Northeastern University Early Action / Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

Some students are accepted EA. I was surprised my S was not (4.0 UW, 4.8W, 34 ACT, 4s and 5s on AP tests, team captain, legacy). He enjoys NU. It’s a good place for smart, motivated kids and great study abroad opportunities. He went to Rwanda this summer and loved it.


Please note NU’s Promise re financial aid. They promise to not change your FA over the years even if your income goes up or need changes. It could benefit you in your case bc your initial calcs will be based on having two in college. However, on the flip side, it seems others have not received additional funding when a second child enters college in future years.

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NU (and most colleges) have a good sense of who is interested and who is using a school as a safety. Many high stat EA students are deferred to RD bc they think they have intentions of going elsewhere and may not be truly interested. I’d have her apply EA anyway and express sincere interest… but if she gets into her ED school, she’ll drop out of the process elsewhere.


I think she’ll have a better acceptance chance applying RD. She’ll most probably be deferred EA and if she doesn’t switch to ED2 she likely won’t be accepted.

Wow, I had no idea about that Northeastern promise. That could be a game-changer, although I’ll keep my optimism in check until we see actual numbers (well, first need to see if he even gets in!) My daughter took a leave of absence last year for some music opportunities and a nanny job & just returned for Fall 2022 as a junior, so maybe the timing was good since she was supposed to graduate in 2023 but now we have the overlap. Really appreciate this info!

Do the transcripts and Letters-of-recommendation need to reach the office before the EA deadline, or can they reach after?

The world of college admissions is place where up is down, left is right, etc!

Is your view because her credential are too good, and not applying ED2 after an EA deferral signifies she likely wouldn’t come?

This stuff hurts my head!

Correct. They are extremely yield conscious and offer EA and ED1 simultaneously. By applying EA instead of ED1 you’ve already signaled you’re not as committed. Then after deferral if you roll your application to RD instead of ED2 you’ve told them a second time they’re not your top choice.

Of course, if you have qualities they desire they will accept you in EA so this is not a blanket statement as in “you will never be accepted EA if you are an unhooked applicant” - but your chances are significantly lower.

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Thank you! This actually directly relates to an admissions strategy discussion I had with DD just this morning regarding NEU. Very helpful.

Now, I’m going to take two Advil and close my eyes for a few moments until the headache subsides!


Is there data to support this? I can’t find any numbers on admit percentages of EA admission versus RD admission at Northeastern.

NEU does not publish these stats. I was asked for my view and that’s what I provided based on dozens of outcomes known to me over the past 3 years.

Also, it’s not EA vs RD acceptance rates; but EA → deferred to RD vs direct RD acceptance rates that we’re interested in.

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The strategy question also applies to merit scholarships. For the purpose of merit, is it just as good (or better) to apply direct RD, vs EA → deferred to RD?

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The mid range has already been very high for a while. Check this out or even prior:
That being said, I don’t understand why the % submitting for the 2021-2022 cycle was that low either. It could be an exception. We will see.

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So glad this is being discussed. So it sounds like for NEU and other schools that offer EA and ED2, you can ask to switch to ED2 if you’re deferred as EA applicant? Wondering about this for both NEU and Case Western.

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Yes, correct. And at both.


I am glad you asked this because I assumed the application must be submitted by the deadline but turning in the app triggers the request for letters of rec and transcripts (at least using the common app) so if the deadline for EA is 11/1, students should be submitting by 10/15 to allow time for those documents to be requested and submitted. Can anyone clarify if this is correct? Maybe it varies with each school. My son is aiming to have his common application done and turned in by 10/10 (about 12-14 schools total) no matter the deadlines (wants to be done and enjoy his senior year!) so he is allowing some breathing room. He is done with his essay draft but his ELA teacher said she would look it over with him this week. He also has to answer some of the short answers on the common app.

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My daughter has an ACT super-score of 33. However, her highest math score is a 28. She will not major in STEM. Should she send her score to NEU?

Similar boat here. My daughter’s ACT score is a 33 also (35 English, 35 Reading, 33 Science, 30 Math). She’s also not going to major in a STEM subject. I’ve recommended that she submit her score, but this is a gray area. It’s one point below their median, but I think it’s still a strong score and within the middle 50%. That, combined with the fact that it shows strength in areas she’s likely to major in (social sciences or humanities), pushes me to think that at worst, it will be a neutral. But, I could be wrong . . .


Have tried to look through prior year threads - does anyone know if selecting increases or decreases chances of admit w/ EA?

Kid genuinely wants to do overseas as a big component and i know NU has major campus space issues, so one would think that un-burdening campus from freshman year bodies would increase admit odds (perhaps slightly).

Anyone know?


I heard that a number of colleges are encouraging freshmen to opt for a semester abroad so they can admit more students. I know of 2 freshmen (one NEU and one NYU) who are starting our abroad. I can only imagine this helps your odds, but can’t be certain