Northeastern University Early Action / Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

Interesting. I wonder if they sent it only to ED applicants. My D applied EA and did not receive an email.


I wouldn’t be surprised if the location preference confirmation email was sent only to ED applicants. Location preferences have a special meaning for ED applicants, since their ED application commits them to their preferred location, but if they are offered a non-preferred location, it’s like getting an EA acceptance (they have the choice to decline). So I can imagine that it’s important to be sure that ED applicants have confirmed these preferences.


Son’s portal has it and asks him if he’d like to change to ED2 or RD. Haven’t heard of any emails in the subject.

It appeared in my son’s portal about a week before the email.

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For students who were accepted ED, is there anything that needs to be done for housing other than pay the enrollment fee confirming your intent to enroll? My daughter said that in a Northeastern group she’s part of people are reminding each other to fill out the housing forms. I called housing today and they said nothing is due until May 1st and that getting it in early doesn’t give any advantage as housing assignments are based on when you pay the $600 enrollment fee accepting your spot at the school. Can someone confirm this for me? I have a worried kiddo.

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@tamagotchi Your assumption is correct. My son applied ED and received this re-confirmation of location preference email. It’s important to note that you can receive an acceptance offer to a location that you explicitly said NO to. The more flexible you are on location probably helps as long as you can handle the location decision.

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Yes, same prediction here which isn’t a big leap since 35,000/50,000 were deferred in EA last year. Reading thru the NEU threads from last year was humbling though- so many high stat EA/RD kids were deferred/rejected. Wish we would have read those same threads before we made the decision to visit!

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My understanding is that last year was an outlier where they accepted fewer kids to compensate for over-enrollment the year before. My S21 got into through early action. We hadn’t visited and he showed minimal demonstrated interest. He had a 4.24 weighted gpa, Test optional. good EC’s and leadership but nothing off the charts. I would hope this year is more similar to 2021.


A post was split to a new thread: Northeastern Masters Decision Date

I understand that last year was an outlier with fewer acceptances, but the number of EA applications increased significantly–38,000 in 2021 to @ 50,000 last year. I haven’t seen the EA numbers this year but wouldn’t be surprised if EA acceptances remain in the single digits. I hope I’m wrong:)

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Many colleges are seeing a shift to more EA and ED applications this year from previous years, but the overall applicant total staying about the same. That means EA % could even go lower.

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I was wondering if the number of ED applications has been published. When Northeastern offered the financial preview, we took advantage of that, and it allowed my son to apply ED. We would not have done it otherwise. I wonder how many other applicants did the same. The low acceptance from last year may have influenced more people to apply ED.


Hi, the housing at Northeastern for freshman is based on selection of Living Learning Communities. When your daughter goes to fill out her housing application she’ll be able to input roommate preferences or pick a roommate and then she will rank her top 3 Living Learning Communities (LLC). The dorms get new LLC assignments each year to prevent people from being able to pick by building. There are a lot of options for LLCs, for example I am in Healthy Living, and there are also ones based on Major too. They really don’t mean a whole lot, but it kind of helps put you near people who may share some interests as you. So aside from filling out that info before May 1st and putting down the enrollment deposit I wouldn’t worry about anything!


Do any of the freshman dorms at Northeastern have air conditioning? Or can you request it if you have allergies, asthma, etc.? I think Northeastern fall semester doesn’t start until after Labor Day, so this may not be much of an issue.

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Most of them don’t- you can fill out a waiver to request one for medical reasons which is what I ended up doing and I definitely recommend it because even in the winter the rooms get very stuffy and hot. You do have to pay for it if you are approved for one-I think the price was around $700 for the year. Hope this helps!

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Thank you. Are there certain dorms or LLCs where a/c is available? Or could you get it for medical reasons in any of the LLCs?

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I believe International Village and maybe East Village are the only freshman dorms with AC but if you get a medical waiver they will install an AC unit into whatever dorm and LLC you are in.


Any advice on finding a roommate?

Hi, many people find roommates on social media to avoid going completely random. There are Instagram pages, probably something along the lines of northeasternclassof2027 where you can message the account some pictures and info about yourself and they will post on the page and you can go through and message anyone who may seem like a good match. There are also Facebook groups with a similar set up. Realistically, most people aren’t best friends with their roommates, so I would prioritize more of similar living habits (wake up times, cleanliness, etc). Good luck and let me know if you have any more questions!


I know some are predicting EA decisions might be out 1/25 (let’s hope so!) but does Northeastern usually send out EA decisions all at once or scatter them throughout the day? Thanks for any insight!