Northeastern University Early Action / Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

I think NEU is trying very hard to increase the # of applications. Two of my daughter’s close friends were emailed fee waivers from NEU a few days before the EA deadline, encouraging them to apply. Both had shown zero demonstrated interest but with the fee waiver in hand and no supp essay required, they applied. (My D, who showed a ton of demonstrated interest, was not emailed a waiver.) Unsure if this is a “recruit to deny” approach since I thought demonstrated interest played a big role in NEU admissions?

That being said, the co-ops/experiential learning seem like fantastic opportunities and I’m sure NEU would still have plenty of kids applying, just not the record breaking 90k+ numbers.


Someone earlier posted that a professor or someone on campus this year was told apps were over 100k this cycle! I guess we’ll hear soon enough.

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I wonder how a professor would know this. Professors don’t usually work in the admissions office, and they typically don’t care much about undergraduate admissions.


At my university, the enrollment V.P. sends email updates to faculty throughout the year. We get notices concerning how we are tracking with ED and RD application numbers in comparison to the previous two years, and we even receive an update on enrollment deposits in May.

Perhaps professors at the elite institutions do not care much about undergraduate admissions, but that is certainly not the case at my LAC. We are in New England and VERY concerned about the demographic cliff and competition with our peers.


I see. Thanks for the insight.


Last cycle Boston University had 80,000 applications. Not that different from Northeastern. I will assume that they too will show a substantial increase this year.

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when does Northeastern release EA decisions?


By 2/1

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I was the one who shared the 100K number. My daughter is a freshman at NU and one of her professors shared that number with her class last week. He shared it in the context of saying that the workload would be heavy, but the students in the class were lucky to be there given the large number of applications last year/this year versus the small number of students who were accepted.


The above statement about 100K total applicants for the current cycle is the same information I received as well.

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“In 2022, Northeastern received 91,000 applications. By comparison, they received 75,000 in 2021 and 64,000 in 2020” from a CBS news article. Not surprising to hear they received over 100,000 this cycle


I hope next year they add a supp essay requirement. For kids that are unable to apply ED and have to play the merit lottery, this would at least give kids a chance to stand out.


I thought they were going to release earlier… hm.

I actually read somewhere on this very long thread, that some people actually wrote one (a “why NEU” essay) and emailed it to their regional AO. I was kind of shocked to read that, but at this point, nothing shocks me :slight_smile:


Last few years it’s been the last Wednesday in January. Of course, anything can happen.


most likely this Wednesday, the 25th


Any idea about time of day?

Response #821 said last yr was 5pm


Just to clarify, I said it was rolling based on geographical region with previous years rolling out admissions starting with New England between 4pm and 6pm. Last year, it happened to start at 5pm. Details are in the post and referenced thread from last year.


Does anyone know when Northeastern ED2 comes out? I know it says before 3/1, but it said that last year and it came out 2/5. So has anyone heard anything?