Northeastern University Early Action / Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

No. I was clarifying an earlier post that said that emails come out hours after the decision is online.

ED decisions come out at 7 PM. EA decisions at 5 PM.


Seems like some one in the New England (4 - 6 PM) area would have their decision if this started 25 minutes ago. Anyone

FYI: That was a twitter screen shot at 7:25 for ED2, not an email.

For the past several years EA decisions have started to be released at 5 PM.


Repost for those new to this page:

If today is decision day, here are a few caveats:

Northeastern has never released decisions before 4 PM Eastern. In recent years the earliest decisions were released was 5 PM.

If you are following reddit or other social media, there will inevitably be people who will post that they got their decision say at noon or so. They are lying. There have even been a few doing that in here, but the mods take care of them if reported to them.

Decisions come out in waves on a more or less hourly basis. If people from Massachusetts start reporting their decision here at 5 PM and you are in California or Florida, you will not get your decision for a few hours. Don’t panic!

Also, if reporting your decision please post your stats and the state/country you are from. That is a CC tradition.

And remember, no guarantee that EA decisions come out today.


Someone on Reddit commented that the decision wave schedule that’s been posted is from 2021 specifically and that it’s been rumored that an AO mentioned all decisions will be released at one time. Does this make sense to you? I thought that the wave decisions was their usual method.

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That is the same rumor that is posted on reddit each year.

ED decisions are released all at once. EA and RD have come out in waves due to the volume. Of course, that could change this year.


Ahhh, good to know. I won’t go interrupting my son’s video game with my fake news! :rofl:


Why would someone want to change it to regular decision? :thinking:

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Because it’s so fun to wait
why not wait even longer? :wink:


i really hope they come out in a minute


If you are in New England, please let the rest of us know!


MA resident here! Will keep an eye on the portal.


New England and nothing yet


MA here - nothing yet


Thanks for the heads up.

Anyone else have a sinking feeling that it might not happen until the 1st? Ugh

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yeah :confused: i really hope that isn’t the reality tho

Yeah, I have that feeling

I think it is next Wed on Feb 1st.