Northeastern University Early Action / Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

:nauseated_face: :face_vomiting: :cold_sweat: :sob:

Well :smile: maybe that means something bad

uhoh :fearful:

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Nah, code says:

//$( document ).ready(function() {

  if (document.referrer == "") {
   document.location.href = "";

That indicates to me as a code that your decision has been made.

Son gets a 404 not found error going to that page. Could be a bad thing here, or could just mean nothing besides they are updating accounts.


was taken to an alternate version of the regular portal page when i went to that page but still no decision


When I copied the first link and pasted it into my browser I get a pop-up with a yellow bar that says “There is no update to your application status to report”

The second one takes me to the standard portal page but it looks mildly different (same a justalittleblue)

Actually very inefficient process. Why cant they declare a specific time. Will save students and family so much time and anxiety. Dont get the schools purpose in being vague.


yea the first one is what im seeing as soon as I login, but the second one I get an error message that just says “Staff Info - Not Awaiting Decision Rendering Error: An XML comment cannot contain ‘–’, and ‘-’ cannot be the last character. Line 13, position 98.” :confused:

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yeh, it still shows the same status " Awaiting Decision" after this logout–> 404–> login routine

The application portal link from this page (Application Status Check | Undergraduate Admissions) is showing me /app_status#ga= then a whole load of numbers

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Same link as above. But on that page the #ga is injected for analytics for link click tracking metrics.


Tried all the links and page works like normal for me does that mean anything.

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When I got to the “Login” page I see a picture of two northeastern students and the ability to upload materials. Is that what you guys are seeing ?

If it means anything, when I tried logging out and logging back in several hours ago it brought me to that same “Not Found” page. I don’t think it’s anything new unfortunately :frowning:

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i see that too

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That’s what I have. But others are reporting the link works for them and it brings them to the aforementioned links after.

why am I seeing an error :sob:

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If you visit and don’t provide an id, it says there’s no update for me



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