Northeastern University Early Action / Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

Hi! I am a first-year business student at NEU. Northeastern has become more selective to correct for over-enrollment issues in the past, but with that being said my advice would be you definitely don’t have a chance if you don’t apply. From this past admissions cycle, most of acceptances came from ED1 & ED2, and then followed be EA. If you daughter is super set on Northeastern, I recommend doing either of the EDs, however if she wants to keep her options open, definitely do EA as it can only help your chances. Since your daughter has internship experience and NEU is known for its co-op program that may be a great thing to highlight in her application as well. Good luck!


From what I can tell, you only need to send the official score report if they enroll. We decided to just send her official scores anyway, since sending unofficial scores through their portal would only allow her to send one score.

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Thank you! That’s weird they only let her report one score date on the portal.

Yes we are going to do the same thing - my son wants to apply ED and we need financial aid so this seems like a good option. Otherwise I was going to have him EA but it does seem like the acceptance rate is much higher with ED.

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The ED financial pre-read request form was simple to fill out. Completed it Sunday. The main thing is you have to have the FAFSA and CSS profile done ahead of this request. Luckily, we did those right away (the CSS was a pain!) Says the request form is due by 10/21 but do you know when they will get back to us with a financial aid estimate? He wanted to submit the common app around 10/15 but might need to wait until we hear back (EA and ED are due 11/1.) If the numbers don’t match up to our EFC, my son will likely do EA and hope for the best. I just hope it doesn’t hurt us to ask for a financial read and then do EA. We really are on the fence, depending on financial aid. The NPC indicates the cost will be anywhere from EFC plus $5,000 to EFC plus $12,000 but my husband is self-employed, so I never know if I am entering data correctly on the NPC. It’s always a bit confusing. This is why I am glad they are willing to offer this service, as it will be fairly accurate as to where we stand on financial aid.


Just to clarify, the northeastern promise does not keep the price the same, but it holds your financial aid the same for budgeting purposes, merit aid never changes and requires a certain GPA (but is usually manageable) and any need-based aid will go up the same percentage as tuition increases. Your FA amount will not go down even if your income raises significantly.


Early Decision Visit Day - worth going? Maybe to show demonstrated interest? Thoughts…

Every way in which you can show demonstrated interest helps. NEU is very needy :grinning:


D23 asked her AO the same questions about the inaugural class, and what it entails…

It’s a commitment to spending all 4 years at Mills in Oakland (or NCH in London), and graduating at that campus. Your courses are limited to what’s available at the campus.


Appreciate someone helping to answer a couple questions:

  • What are the main differences between NUin and NuBound (now called Global Scholars)? From reading the documentation, the only difference I see is more classes offered in NUBound and one year vs. a semester at another location?
  • Did anyone receive the ED update email today about being bound to ED admission only if your first choice “program” is offered? Anyone have reactions to this?
  • And the question of spending 4 years at Oakland/London is still confusing? The NU-Oakland page has no information about academics. It just says, "Building on Mills’ and Northeastern’s pedagogical strengths, we are creating academic programs designed to evolve with new modes of learning in an ever-changing world. " That is very little information to want to commit 4 years to a location?!?

More confused than ever…it seems strange they’re sending email about all this now. Two weeks from ED deadline.

Thanks. That’s what I was afraid of. Just seems like an option not too many would be interested in taking. What if you you applied ED and were given that option only? It’d feel like you wasted your ED application on an option you never wanted?

Agreed. We had the same concerns with the vague wording, so asking the AO directly was the best way to get clarity. After the initial reply from the AO, she asked specifically how it would impact her as an applicant to CAMD or D’Amore McKim, the AO’s response was “You would not be able to take classes in majors that are not available in Oakland…”

Hopefully more majors/courses are available over time, but it does seem like a major commitment given the limited information and approaching app deadlines (especially for ED, which my D is strongly considering).

How do you even specify your top choice program? Common App questions don’t see so direct on this. They seem to ask more are you open to other programs.

It should be the first two questions in the Academic section of the CA. First one asks preferred college, 2nd question asks preferred major.

I think the Academics section of Common App where you select Major, School, etc. is where you do that. Below those questions there are questions about NUin, Oakland, London, etc. The three drop-down choices are:

  1. “Yes ___ program is my preference”;
  2. “Yes, I’m open…”; and
  3. “No I would prefer not to…”

It’s still very frustrating they’re offering these pretty significant choices (4 years in Oakland or London) without much information? Are they hiring many professors from scratch (or relocating some?)? How large are these campuses going to be?


My son is in the same boat. He’s considering CS, Cybersecurity or Data Science, and they seem like very difficult majors to just replicate on another campus in a year or two.

Yes, you’re right. This is the section where you choose the program. Thank you.

We’ve been looking for recent social media from new Oakland students, but haven’t found much. She’s trying to find day in the life type of posts to what student life is like. We’ve seen the press releases and the move-in articles with pictures, but would like to see more. Please share if you find any.

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We are curious about what they will be doing on the Oakland campus, too.
Since we live nearby, we considered going for a visit, but the scheduled visit days are all during school hours for my son. I might just go over there myself and talk to them.

If you go, we’d love to hear your thoughts. Thank you!

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Is the Mills campus just former Mills professors and Mills curriculum…at least this year?

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