Northeastern University Early Action / Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

Yes, my son was admitted through NUin with an engineering major. The locations vary in what they can accommodate, depending on the student’s major and age (for some locations you must be 18). If you are admited to NUin / Global, they guarantee that you will be able to attend in a location that can accommodate your major and age. Last year, a few students reported being switched to 4 year Boston later in the process, because there weren’t spaces in any NUin location that could accommodate them.


According to the website psychology is not offered as a major at Oakland so no one who applied as a psychology major would be offered the four-year option there. However, in terms of NU In or Global Scholars, first year or first semester CSSH is available in Oakland.

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This theory makes sense! But the only mystery is why the email was only going out to the NUin & Global Scholars students (and maybe only a portion of those) rather than ALL accepted students. From the wording of it, all students would get the same email/instructions upon acceptance. Maybe they have a system for sending that email in batches (as per program) but they probably dodged a bullet that it’s didn’t go out to all accepted students. I’m guessing there are lots of administration staff & tech people working overtime this weekend to correct this mistake (when they thought they’d have the weekend off) and maybe some discipline action or firings as a result of this embarrassing debacle.


This is good to know! So they could take elective classes there for one semester (if part of NUin or Global Scholars) but could not do the 4 year option.

Son is engineering and was accepted NU In yesterday.


If the students aren’t included in their CDS statistics, then are they not included in NU’s yield percentages either? My daughter who was just accepted to with a merit scholarship has an SAT score well above the 75th percentile for NU, and she has higher stats/awards than students who have matriculated to NU from her high school the past few years. We were worried she might get yield protected and not accepted, so we’re thrilled she got in EA to We’re wondering if they were thinking that if she really wants to come then she’ll do and maybe it doesn’t hurt their yield if she ends up going elsewhere. She put Boston as her preference, but she also put that she was open to She definitely wants to go abroad and can envision that going your first semester when you’re fulfilling general requirements might be easier than junior year when you are likely doing co-ops, taking advanced classes in your major, might not want to leave your friends and housing, etc. Who knows what happens behind Admissions closed doors!


My guess and partially from parents reporting from info sessions is maybe 1000 last year. They never report the numbers so it is always a bit unknown. But overall they had to manage numbers super tightly bc over the extremely high and unexpected yield in fall 2021 both for fall admits and NUin. They have to house all of them. Those students are sophomores now and many will move off campus for year 3 (some moved off campus this year on waivers.) NU did create more bed space this year by forced doubles and triples for maybe 600-700 extra beds.) not super popular of course. But they still need to have classrooms and advisors etc for those students going through so I imagine they’ll be tightly managing yield, but not quite the same as last year. That was extreme.
If you look at the CDS enrollment numbers through the years, their numbers have gone up slightly over time but not much (except fall 2021.) the city of Boston also has very strict enrollment/housing regulations for all campuses in the city to house a certain percentage of their students in campus housing to lessen the impact on housing for locals. Even where I live in CA this happens with the UC near us.

While there are always some issues, I give NU staff a lot of credit for managing a very unique and complex programming dynamic very well overall through the years. Plus, watching how well the campus handled covid response and had in person classes fall of 2020 a year before most campuses was amazing. (My younger D was grateful and felt very safe.)


My younger D who just graduated said it was the most crowded she had ever seen the school everywhere. She just graduated, so I can’t say what it is like this year. However, working at a large campus myself, whenever there is a group of new students on campus, there are always lines etc until everyone figures out their schedule, how things work etc.

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Hi! I just got accepted into the global scholars program as well, but mine didn’t seem to list which location I’d be starting in—do you know where that was on your daughter’s portal? Or was it just the order they listed the locations in the letter.

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can someone who got accepted show us what the portal looks like when your decisions letter is available? i know that they have those slide things where its like “the wait is over”. im just really curious

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Large group emails are always sent in batches to not overload servers, so my guess is yes, they prob caught their error and stopped in process. I would not be surprised to see more NUin/GS acceptances whenever the remaining decisions are announced.


both my olders ('17 and '19) were initially deferred and then accepted.


Correct, only fall admits to Boston are reported to CDS and calculated in their official yield. (They of course need to manage their yield to all of their programs, esp NUIN/GS which eventually come to Boston.) NUIN/GS are not officially matriculated in NU Boston as frosh so they are not counted in the yield.
I would imagine that NU Oakland (for 4 year students) will have their own CDS report and yield calculation) since this is the first time this is offered and is an American campus.

I would also agree that they use NUIN as an option for high stat kids that they think are likely to go elsewhere so as to not affect their yield rate. In the end, they are looking for strong candidates they think will do well at NU but also who are serious about attending, I think all colleges have a good sense of who is likely to come and who might be hedging their bets against ivies, T20 schools etc.


Ironically the City has dragged its feet on approving a new 800 student residence hall that was submitted for review three years ago. It was initially scheduled to open this fall.

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Was he accepted today or last night?


I know! I think it has a lot to do with gentrification of the Roxbury area and displacement of locals….They might also be using it as a tool to really reign in NU to its current permit limits. Otherwise what is the city’s guarantee that NU will keep to those enrollment limits?
Our local city is constantly in a battle with the UC here about housing and keeping to agreed to enrollment rates. Many UCs are. Housing is so tight in many college areas. Campuses that continue to grow beyond their permitted capacity do not build trust…and Boston has many campuses to contend with, not just NU as you know well. Are they pushing back on other campuses too, like BU, do you know?

According to an article in the NU student newspaper the fall of 22 class included 1736 NUin and 680 NU Bound students. That’s enrollment numbers, not acceptances.


I just want to squash the narrative some sites (not so much on CC) are putting out there that NUin or Global Scholars is somehow a lesser accomplishment that direct admit to Boston or not as worthy of celebration. Sure, it stings of you did not list either as a first choice and that’s what you were offered. But the stats I’m seeing from kids getting into these programs is pretty impressive. I agree this may be a back door way to protect yield. They really hope these kids choose NU but their ranking or stats won’t be hurt if the high stats kids say no. Not sure why scholarships seem lower for these admissions but it could be a number of factors including FAFSA data or a foreshadowing that Boston merit may also be down this year. Without viewing the skeptical side of WHY they offer these programs (including they can list these kids as “transfers”) they really are great, unique programs and ways for students to begin their college career. I think traveling to another country can be especially beneficial and really challenge students to be independent and worldly at an early age. Obviously, this is not for every kid and some kids will struggle just being on a campus 2 hours from home let alone a foreign country! So we have to know our kids. But we can’t blame NU for trying to be creative when protecting yield and trying to move up in ranking. They obviously know how to play the game. And it could be a win/win for a student who feels NU is a dream school and they are willing to sacrifice a traditional acceptance to attend if it means entering a semester or year later. My son listed Boston as his top choice but only because we aren’t sure the other options are affordable since you can’t use financial aid money for them, only merit. He definitely wants a study abroad option at some point. Just wanted to put all this in perspective and give a huge congrats to all those admitted NUin & Global Scholars as it is a huge accomplishment and no easy task!


Thanks, that’s great information. For Fall 2023, since London and Oakland now have their own degree programs, I wonder if we would expect NUin / Global numbers to decrease, or stay about the same?


it’s weird to me that they accept people into NUin and Global if they don’t put it as an option they want. it would make sense for majors that have international components (like business, politics, international relations, etc) this is definitely contributing to the notion that it is less prestigious than the Boston campus.