Northeastern University Early Action / Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

That is what the NIMBY’s say. But I do not understand how building more university housing on a vacant site the university has owned for over 50 years will lead to displacement.


Wow! That’s a really large program for both NUIN and NUBound… they are really growing those programs so I’m sure they’ll be as large this year then. Thanks for sharing that.


is all hope lost to get into NU IN if we didn’t hear back last night? i said yes to it and would prefer it.


So what’s the consensus? Will there be another batch released TODAY 5PMish ET?

Magic 8 ball keeps saying “Reply hazy, try again”


yea im thinking a wave will be out at 5pm EST tonight and also another at a similar time on monday

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I don’t think it is less prestigious, or that these students are any less deserving of admission. However, there are reasons why they might admit a slightly different set of students to these programs, and why merit might be awarded differently. Admissions will always reflect institutional priorities. They need to manage yield for all programs to avoid overcrowding. They also have a desire to manage the visible numbers (stats, yield, merit and financial aid numbers etc), for their incoming class, as reflected in the CDS. Since programs such as NUin are not reflected in the CDS in the same way as regular fall admits, I am certain that Northeastern actively thinks about how to allocate admission offers between these programs, in order to manage both their actual enrollment, and their visible numbers.


I would guess that the NUin numbers would stay about the same since these students come to Boston in the spring. There is only so much housing to be had on the Boston campus. But programs that either do not wind up in Boston, or do not offer on campus housing certainly can increase their numbers.


yes the locations were listed on the decision letter.


I didn’t realize NU has owned it for so long… as I said, I think it has a lot to do with permitting and enrollment numbers overall…. (Based only on what I see happening at many UCs.) these students eventually put pressure on other neighboring housing areas who will rent to students moving “off” campus bc they’ll pay higher rents. Unless the campus builds enough housing and requires students to live in campus housing…

Based on the parent FB page, plenty of current sophs were granted waivers and moved off campus this year due to overcrowding issues… and they’re supposed to be required to live in campus housing. These students bump locals…

That’s my guess…I see these ongoing battles every day in CA.


They might not even release a wave today. They might’ve just said they were releasing it in waves when truly they just had to release the batch of acceptances to people who got that email yesterday. The rest of us might not hear until Monday


Hi everyone. Last night, I was accepted into the NU Global Scholars program. I was curious if the program cost more than regular tuition on the Boston campus. Was also wondering if the students accepted into NU in and GS are different levels of applicants than the ones accepted into the Boston campus. Thanks

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I agree! I’m very impressed by the stats of those who have been accepted so far - they should be very proud of getting an offer! A bit nervous for my S23 as he has still heard nothing. Starting to dust off my ‘love the schools that love you back’ speech … it’s been a tough weekend with another top choice giving him a deferral. I am sad that we couldn’t afford to ED somewhere (middle class sucks) … the wait continues … {sigh}


When NU In was introduced about 15 years ago it was seen as a sort of “consolation prize” for students that didn’t make the cut for Boston campus. With the increase in applications and stats that is no longer the case. Just look at the stats of students offered NU In in this thread. Since NU In started Northeastern has begun a push for students to have an international experience as part of their undergraduate years. This can be done through NU In, Dialogues of Civilization, international coop etc. They are trying to get students out of their comfort zone and to experience different things. Since coop has always forced students to get out of that comfort zone by working, it is an extension of that philosophy. Northeastern was never the “traditional college experience”.

in fact, some applicants started asking if they could apply directly to NU In. And now they offer that option.


Assuming merit scholarships increase yield for the students who are offered merit, and assuming that NEU wants the CDS to show a low admissions rate and high yield, it would be very logical for NEU to offer fewer merit scholarships for NUin admissions.

For example, here’s a ridiculously oversimplified scenario. Let’s say that 30 students apply with similar stats, and NEU wants to admit 9 of them, with a goal of having 2 students enroll in Boston, and 2 students enroll in NUin. They have merit scholarships available for 2 students. For this particular set of applicants, NEU estimates that about 1/3 would choose to attend if not offered merit, and about 2/3 would choose to attend if offered merit.

Here are two different ways NEU can achieve its enrollment goal. In each scenario, the same number of students enroll in each program, and the same number of students receive merit, but the CDS looks very different:

  • NEU admits 6 students to Boston with no merit, and 3 students to NUin with merit. 2 Boston students enroll, and 2 NUin students enroll. CDS shows 20% admission rate, 33% yield, 0% of students received merit.

  • NEU admits 3 students to Boston with merit, and 6 students to NUin with no merit. 2 Boston students enroll, and 2 NUin students enroll. CDS shows 10% admission rate, 66% yield, 100% of students received merit.

Of course, reality is a lot more complicated. But I am sure that NEU has a way of estimating, for each student, the chance that they will enroll if offered Boston vs. NUin admission, and the chance that they will enroll if offered merit vs. not offered merit. And I am sure that they use these estimates to manage their yield, and the visible numbers on their CDS.


Great insight! Thank you


Thats an interesting point. What is considered a significant merit scholarship for NEU? 40K, 60K, 80K?

Max for normal merit only scholarships I have heard is ~$30k. Dean’s scholarships of $20-25k with honors given for top students. For National merit finalists $30k.

Also student of our interest comes from a top public school in MA and normally NEU admits 10-15 and ultimately 5 matriculate just from their class. None of the school class has heard and hence pretty sure no one has received admission for Boston Campus yet in EA wave.


We got the same and sent it in. Just in case.

Do you know how the merit aid works with need-based aid? Are they awarded completely independently, or are they related?

To be specific: could a person with a NPC estimated cost of 40K reasonably expect they might get FA to bring cost to 40K and then also have a 10K merit award, bringing the actual cost to 30K? Or does NEU manage the funding so the family with an NPC cost of 40K pays 40K whether the funding comes from the “merit” or “grant” pool?

We considered ED for NU and they offer a great service where you can get a financial pre-read if you do the CSS early. It helps determine if it’s wise for your family to do ED. It came back saying we should qualify for $49,900 merit & grants (not including loans) so that brings the COA to $31,500. We were pleasantly surprised that they would be that generous but it was still above our budget goals (most of his schools are coming in low $20K with potential for more.) So we had to take a chance on EA which reduces his chances of getting in quite a bit. So we don’t expect to get a lower price than $31K for NU if he gets in (we weren’t sure if National Hispanic Merit Scholar could bump that up but doubtful) and it would still be on the table at that price (definitely his #1 choice) but we’d have to examine all offers and really have to justify that extra expense. Being paid for co-ops is a plus but he’s doing psychology so can’t expect much $ there. One option is for him to live at home in Buffalo for his co-op so that could save some money. But step one one is getting in and still waiting on that!