Hello guys,
I am offered admissions to Northeastern and Bryant University for the business program. The deposit deadline is coming up and I’m still confused. First of all, they both offer me scholarships ($10k for NEU, which makes it $35k/year and $20k for Bryant, which makes it $20k/year)
Besides the tuition, I want to know other decision factors and thoughts from you guys about it! Northeastern is located in the heart of Boston, which is a little advantageous compared to Bryant U in Rhode Island. I also know that they have a great co-op program and better ranking. However, Bryant is also very specialized in their business program and have a good job placement. They are also smaller, which makes a tighter community and relationships with the instructors
let me know what you think
These are not peer schools. Bryant is a small school in Rhode Island while Northeastern is a national research university in Boston. They are very different atmosphere and environments. You should visit each to see which school you would rather attend for four years, and which city you would rather live in.
Agreed, they are very different schools. One major difference in environment not mentioned is the fact that around 2/3rds of Bryant will be business, much more than NEU which you will have much more academic diversity. If you want to be immersed completely in business then Bryant makes sense.
Both will give you great job placement. The difference is if you want experience while in college, aka co-op.
Boston v Rhode Island, already mentioned.
Ranking, NEU but I wouldn’t say its the main point here.
Community, probably Bryant, though once again, for business mainly.
You have to pick here, neither is inherently better than the other: it depends on the student.
@informative I have been trying to visit, but I don’t have time. Especially since I live in Seattle, Washington, it will at least take 3-4 days to fly over there and actually visiting the school. I will try my best to still come over tho.
Which one do you prefer?
@PengsPhils thanks for mentioning that. I actually like NEU more if they have more academic diversity! I want to learn about business, but at the same time, contribute and try out other things.
Also, you’re right about the job placement thing now that I think of it. Co-op is a better advantage.
Its true that I have to pick depending on my preference, but I have a hard time breaking a tie here. Based on your own preference, which one do you think is more beneficial to attend?
Well, I’m a NEU student, though for CS not business. Still, take my preference with a grain of salt. If you want the academic diversity, go NEU IMO. You’ll get Boston (my second favorite city behind Chicago), co-ops, good academics and ranking, academic diversity, and good job placement. The only thing Bryant really has IMO is the small school community if you absolutely want that or a more immersive business program.
Personally I basically made a similar choice to take NEU over WPI, a very concentrated but well designed tech program. In the end it was for Boston, co-ops, and student body diversity as WPI is very skewed, in my case by gender as well as major. I couldn’t be happier with my decision, but I have the utmost respect for WPI’s academics: it’s a great school, just not for me.
I would prefer Northeastern due to the chance to live in Boston and due to Northeastern’s co-op program.
@PengsPhils wow you have the same experience like mine. Glad you like it there. I have decided to choose Northeastern University over Bryant. I paid the deposit earlier today. Thanks for your feedback and hope to see you there!
However, I am still figuring out between NEU and one more school, which is University of Washington. I am leaning towards NEU though… 
@informative great! I chose NEU over Bryant. Thank you for your opinions!!!