MA resident trying to decide between NorthEastern, BU and University of Florida. Plan to do premed and go to medical school. Boston has always been dream college location, but there is this little matter of cost.
BU gives $25K/year merit scholarship resulting in total net cost of over $200K for 4 years
Northeastern gives $35 K/year merit scholarship resulting in total net cost of over 150K for 4 years
UFlorida gives full ride NMF scholarship bringing the net cost to zero.
Parents willing to pay $125K total for both undergrad and grad. They will co-sign any loan I need to take on the top of it.
I know. It should be an easy decision to select University of Florida. What if I go to Florida, don’t like it and end up quitting premed and the dreams of becoming a doctor? Will the long term cost be even more than the money I save in education expense?
Any words of wisdom will be appreciated.
UF for free? That’s pretty cool. Why did you apply there? It is very different than the other 2 places. Big time sports scene and school spirit. I assume those things appeal to you since you applied.
I loved BU when I toured with my daughter but take the full ride.
UF. And if you quit pre-med at UF (or the other schools as it’s possible no matter where you attend) you still have numerous majors to consider. So I don’t see UF as being a place of potential lost opportunity. Many students start as premed and yet their direction changes for whatever reason.
If you are very serious about medical school, it is a huge time and financial commitment. I am faculty at a major medical school, and several of my post graduate trainees are in significant debt upon completion of their 14 year journey after HS (from 200K to close to 500k. ) However, one potential advantage of Northeastern is the coops. Most of our students come with not only good grades and test scores, but research experience, and authorship of major publications, or experience presenting research at medical conferences. This becomes a “feather in your cap” when applying to medical school. I am unclear of how Northeastern is perceived by medical schools, BU has the 7 year med program, and its own medical school. Perhaps, they accept a significant about of their incoming class from BU, same with University of Florida. These are things to look into further. I would not discount the value of happiness, because the sooner you acclimate to college, and achieve happiness, find your people, the easier it is to be a successful student. Just my opinion.
Thanks @joecollege44 and @123Mom123.
I applied to UF only because I knew it would be free. (To be honest, my dad did the research and advised me to apply). I am not really into sports. I have not visited UF. Thought I’ll visit after all decisions come in, but then it was too late due to Covid. That is another reason for my hesitation. Committing to a place that I have not even visited.
As someone who was raised in Florida and went to Northeastern (and loved it), go UF here. You can’t beat that price and you will have plenty of options should you switch out of premed. The school has a big sports focus but also plenty of other social circles and you can find your place. It’s very fair to be scared of not visiting but I think you’ll be okay and you have to take a leap of faith here. 150K is a good motivator 
Thanks @PengsPhils. I have read many of your posts in this forum and they are all informative and balanced. You are doing a great service to the student community and I thank you for that.
I agree with @PengsPhils. Take the scholarship. This is really a no-brainer. What would suck worse would be $100,000 in debt and you decide against medical school. Or worse-yet, a parent gets laid off and can no longer co-sign student loans. Right now you have a self-sustaining source of college funds in writing, and if you decide medical school, you’ll be going in debt free. Your parents can save the money for medical school, which would significantly reduce your debt load.
Thanks @coolguy40 and everyone who has commented. I am leaning towards UF but has not made the final decision yet.
The question that I keep coming back is this:
Between NEU and UF, which university will increase my odds of becoming a doctor? (I know it ultimately depends on me). If there is a material difference in the odds, is that difference worth $150K?
Is this line of thinking even valid?
Neither will, and even if one did, it’s not worth 150K. Go UF.
It’s not the university that does that. It’s your grades and MCAT scores. Your best chance of medical school is in your home state, because state medical schools give preference to state residents, especially ones who graduated with a full scholarship at their own University system. That’s why UF is such a good choice. Florida has a lot of great medical schools, and they love in-state scholars with top grades.
Thanks @PengsPhils and @coolguy40
The reason I asked the question about odds was admission stats from UF and NEU.
I believe UF applicants are admitted to medical schools at 40-45%. NEU applicants are admitted at 75% (I think that number is above 85% for Buvae college of Health Sciences).
Does this not mean as a NEU applicant, my odds are higher? What am I missing here?
@boston2089 I would’t take these stats at face value, because schools don’t measure their numbers the same way. It’s really more a reflection of the student body than the actual school. If you get top grades and MCAT scores, those stats wouldn’t mean a hill of beans regardless of which college you attend.