Northeastern vs. UConn pre-pharmacy?

<p>Hi. I got accepted into Northeastern University and UConn for their pharmacy programs, and am having a lot of difficulty deciding on which to go to. I was hoping I could get some advice. I was accepted into the honors program for both universities. I am a Connecticut resident, so UConn would be about $10k to $12k less per year than Northeastern after I factor in my scholarships from either schools, etc. However, Northeastern is a 0-6 program, whereas UConn only accepts about 25% of their pre-pharm students into the professional years. Is it worth the gamble to go to UConn and have less loans to pay off when I graduate? Or would I be better off sticking to Northeastern and deal with the extra $60k in loans?</p>

<p>Does the 60k include the 5 and 6 years at northeastern?</p>

<p>Yes; it’d be about $180,000 total in loans if I go to Northeastern.</p>

<p>So $120 in loans to go to UConn and no guarantee of getting into the pharmD program after that? I’d have to recommend Northeastern with a guaranteed pharmD degree after 6-years @ $60K more that you’ll be able to pay off in 5 years of working as a pharmacist. Would it take 8 years to go through the UConn program if you want to get your bachelor’s degree? The 6-year NEU program awards a B.S. in pharmacy studies after the didactic course work is done (year 5) and the pharmD after the APPE clinical year (6). If it will take 8 years at UConn, then you’d have 2 extra years of earning power if you finished at Northeastern. JMHO!</p>