Northern Schools for Southern Guy!

<p><strong><em>Course History</em></strong>
8th Grade:
Algebra I, Exploring the Wide World of Medicine, Spanish I-Pre IB (all Honors)</p>

<p>9th Grade:
Geometry, Algebra II, Biology I, English I, World History (all Honors)
Spanish II, Health Science 2, Personal Fitness, Health I, Career Research, Critical Thinking (all regular) </p>

<p>10th Grade:
Pre-Calculus, English II, Chemistry I, Physics I, Anatomy & Physiology, American History, Health Unit Coordinator 3 (all Honors) </p>

<p>11h Grade:
English Language, Spanish Language, US History, US Government (all AP)
Calculus I, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics (Comm. College AP-weighted)
Introduction to Sociology (Comm. College Honors-weighted)
Fitness Lifestyle Design (regular)</p>

<p>12th Grade:
English Literature, Spanish Literature, Biology, Calculus BC (all AP)
Calculus II (Comm. College AP-weighted)
Intermediate Spanish I (Comm. College Honors-weighted)</p>

<p>** ECs **
National Honor Society Historian (in charge of Comm. Service projects) 11,12
Spanish Honor Society 11,12
First Priority Leader 10,11,12
Church Youth Group 10,11,12
Part Time College Student at Comm. College 11,12
French Club 10
Drama Club 9,10</p>

3.78 Cum. GPA
4.47 Cum. HPA
3/500ish Rank (the top 3 are set all apart by .03)
1290 SAT (Math + Critical Reading, will retake in Oct for a <em>hopeful</em> 1350ish)
AP Scores: 4 on Spanish Language, 3 on US History, 3 on US Government, 2 on English Language
800+ Hours of Community Service (The vast majority coming from Math Tutoring, Peer Counseling & Church, the rest are miscellaneous projects from NHS, including beach clean ups, elementary school carnivals, graduation preparation, Special Olympics, etc.)</p>

<p>** SAT Subject Tests for November**
Spanish with Listening
US History
Math Level 2</p>

<p>** Academic Interests**
Liberal Arts/Social Sciences/Humanities </p>

<p>** Awards/Recognition **
AP Scholar (one of only 3 juniors in my class)
Bright Futures Florida Academic Scholar (I Qualify)
Salutatorian (Based on Val/Sal Rank, which excludes Middle School HS credits)
PROMISE Award (Math award in my county)
Character Counts! Certificate (for academic honesty & integrity)
Community College Part Time Dean’s List</p>

<p>** Miscellaneous **
Florida Resident
US-Born Latino<br>
First Generation College Student (Dad no HS, Mom no College)
Non-Competitive Semi-Large (2.5 k) Suburban High School that sends maybe 15-20% to 4 year colleges
Most Demanding 4-year schedule by far in my class</p>

<p>** Pipe Dream List**
1. Amherst
2. Williams
3. Swarthmore
4. Dartmouth
5. Brown
6. University of Florida</p>

<p>How far does minority status + first generation college student get me? Is it even worth to apply to some (if not all) of these colleges? UF seems to be the only acceptance letter I'll be getting so far.... any thoughts?</p>

<p>You have awesome stats. "minority status + first generation college student"
it might not on it's own get you in but it will honestly help. Good luck man!!</p>

<p>right now i have a 1290, but even if i do get 1350 this october, will it still be too out of reach? Is anyone famililar with Amherst's 1-7 scale? Where would I be able to find it online?</p>

<p>i am sooooooooo bump-bump-bumping right now....lalalala... yuppers</p>