Northwestern 2013 Wait-listed

<p>So I think this might be a good thread to start because from what I've been hearing and reading, a lot of people are expected to hit the waitlist at top-notch school that aren't sure about yields. </p>

<p>I'll be accepting a place on that wait-list. How about you guys?</p>

<p>Lets cross our fingers and hope the yield is really low.</p>

<p>Holla, I be on it all night man I be on it all day.</p>

<p>Any figures on how many kids on the waitlist? or expected yield or openings?</p>

<p>Yep, waitlisted.</p>

<p>This is only the third school I’ve heard from so I have no idea if I’m going to take a place on the waitlist or not, I want to see what happens with all the NESCAC schools I applied to and Ivies (though I’m not holding my breath for them, trust me).</p>

<p>Does anyone know how many people Northwestern tends to waitlist? Or are those numbers languishing away in obscurity?</p>

<p>wait, have decisions been released??</p>

<p>I’m waitlisted. This is the second school I’m waitlisted at, the other being Rice. I’m not sure whether I’ll accept a place on the list; it depends on the finanical aid from the colleges I’ve been accepted to.</p>

<p>Probably less WL than Washu :confused: Just a speculation though.</p>

<p>25000 applicants.
6500 total admits (including off the wait list)
2700 offered place on wait list
1300 accepted place on wait list
470 accepted off wait list.</p>

<p>Rough stats for the waitlist a couple of years ago.</p>

<p>Does everyone’s letter like this one, or are they like Rice and have to different waitlist letters?
March 2009</p>

<p>Dear _____________:</p>

<p>The admission committee has completed its evaluation of your application and at this time we are unable to offer you a place in the freshman class at Northwestern University. However, we would like to offer you a space on our waitlist in the event that we make additional offers of admission after May 1.</p>

<p>This year, we received over 25,000 applications for an entering class of 2,000. Given the relatively small size of the incoming freshman class and the strength of the applicant pool, we cannot admit all of the qualified applicants who apply to Northwestern.</p>

<p>Despite what may be disappointing news at this point in time, I hope you will consider our waitlist offer. To reserve a place on the waitlist, please return the reply card included with the official copy of this letter, arriving soon via mail. All candidates on the waitlist will receive a final decision no later than June 30. </p>

<p>Candidates who choose to be on the waitlist are not ranked. Should space become available, each applicant will be considered individually as we match candidates with our openings. It is impossible to predict how many spots may become available. In recent years, the number of admission offers made from the waitlist has ranged from 0 to 200. While the submission of additional materials is not encouraged, any academic information not previously submitted is welcome.</p>

<p>If you choose to remain on the waitlist, I encourage you to accept an offer of admission from another college by May 1. Whatever our final decision or yours may be, I thank you for your interest in Northwestern University. With your outstanding abilities and accomplishments, I know you are destined for success.</p>

<p>^I mean two. :)</p>

<p>That’s mine. Rice had two? That’s so odd.</p>

<p>Mine as well.

<p>Same here.</p>

<p>4th watlisted after Tulane, WUSL, Chicago.</p>

<p>Brown2009 that sucks. I’ve been waitlisted twice, and I think that’s bad. It’s going to be really interesting to find out how many people were waitlisted and what percentage eventually got admitted.</p>

<p>waitlisted too, gonna decide whether to take it after cmu, cornell and jhu</p>

<p>I feel sorry for those of you who got wait-listed. I know it sucks because I had two rejections and one wait-list (from Rice) as well. I told Rice to take off my name because I do not even want to imagine myself waiting any longer than I already have. Well, good luck to all of you guys.</p>

<p>It’s going to be really hard to predict NU’s (or any other top school’s) yield this year. One possibility is that they accepted fewer people with the intent of going to the waitlist to control the size of the incoming class. Another is that they accepted the same number as last year but expect to go to the waitlist if the yield is lower. Also, as schools ranked above us accept people from the waitlist, spots will open up. I strongly suggest that you keep your name on the waitlist if you’re still interested in NU, since it does have a history of using it. It can’t hurt really.</p>

<p>waitlisted :/</p>

<p>i’m not liking this at all.</p>

<p>Waitlisted, going to accept a spot. Also waitlisted at WashU, although I loooove NU waay more and it was a top choice for me. Ugh. Gotta go cram for a huge IB bio test and write my IB spanish oral now…this whole waitlist thing has only made my procrastination worse!</p>

<p>The waitlist is a drag, but take heart. There are sure to be people accepted of the WL. My son was accepted at Northwestern but it is almost certain he will be declining. That’s one spot right there!</p>

<p>Kids apply so may places and so then they reject a lot of those places, too. That means many on waitlists and many ON waitlists who will get off!!</p>