<p>I'm a current junior and I got my ACT scores back and I got a 33 Composite (35 English, 33 Math, 32 Reading, 32 Science)</p>
<p>GPA: 3.75 unweighted, 4.11 weighted, 99% chance I'm going to be valedictorian</p>
<p>I've taken AP World History, currently in AP English Language, AP US History, AP Chemistry, taking AP Calculus, AP Physics I, and AP English Literature next year.</p>
<p>Tons of extracurriculars: swim team captain, tennis team captain, started a technology class, drum line leader.</p>
<p>~200 hours of volunteer experience leading a UN project bringing it to America. </p>
<p>AP scores probably won't be too good (most likely 3's all around), will that make a big difference?
Looking to be an engineering major, not too sure what type yet. </p>
<p>You have a chance at all of those schools, but just try to bring your GPA up. And yes, you need to get higher AP scores especially if you want credit at those colleges. You want to get high scores to at least make up for the GPA. Your ECs are great and I’m really interested in your volunteer work. Good luck!</p>
<p>There’s a chance that I could get a 4.0 unweighted this semester (unlikely, but possible). Also, I’ve heard that AP scores can’t hurt, just help, is that true. Also, my writing score for my act is awful… I got a 7, and I’m really not planning on taking it again considering I’ve taken it 4 times already. Is this a big deal?</p>
<p>AP scores need to complement the course grades. The score will not help you if you got an A in the class but a 3 on the test. I’m not sure which of these schools requires the writing portion but you should ask your counselor. If these schools do require writing, I would take it again for at least a higher super score. </p>
<p>NU would be a low reach with your GPA and score. Try to bring up your GPA. If you do get 4.0 in this semester and next semester, you can bring it above 3.8. Also, try to bring up your ACT score a little bit. Right now it is around admission average for McCormick.</p>