<p>Two Northwestern seniors won Rhodes scholarships this year. For comparison purposes, Harvard and MIT also had two, Yale and Stanford had one, University of Chicago had none. Only Princeton had more with three out of the 32 awarded. </p>
<p>Bios on the Northwestern winners:</p>
<p>Anna Yermakova, Buffalo Grove, is a senior at Northwestern where she majors in biochemistry, piano, and history and philosophy of science and logic. Anna emigrated to the United States from Russia when she was 11. Since then she has won national awards for piano and French, has done research in chemical engineering and nanotechnology at the University of Washington , neuroscience at Northwestern, and biomedical engineering at the University of Chicago, and competed in ballroom dancing, salsa and flamenco. At Oxford, Anna will do a doctorate in mathematical biology.</p>
<p>Mallory A. Dwinal, Gig Harbor, is a senior at Northwestern University with majors in Spanish, economics, and international studies. She also studied in Qinghua University in Beijing. In 2006, Mallory founded a program that coordinates and funds English as a second language education in Chicago elementary schools. Also since 2006, she has been leader of a daily meals program at a homeless shelter. She is ranked among the top college students in the country in impromptu and extemporaneous speaking. Mallory plans to do the M.Phil. in comparative and international education at Oxford.</p>
<p>I’m friends with one of the two (I live across the hall from her) and I just knew she was going to win it. She is quite simply genetically superior. And really just awesome in general. </p>