Northwestern versus Rice for Computer Science

Would you choose Rice or Northwestern for Computer Science? Thank you.


Please provide more context as to why you are deciding between these two schools. No one can really answer for you this given the very basic question.

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Didn’t you say in a previous thread that the Rice program was not supportive?


But I’m not you. How or why are these the choices? What do you seek in a school.

They are both excellent schools and there are enough differences (location, size, academic calendar, residential life to name a few.) where you should pick YOUR preference.

Yes. I am worried about this but I do not know enough about Northwestern.

I want to be in a college that will give me great academic support, great internships and job opportunities.

Have you been accepted to both of them? I would visit them and go to the respective programs and ask to talk to current students. Ask the programs about how/if they set up internships, what do they do for job fairs, etc.

No. I am trying to decide my early decision college.

Well if you say that this isn’t Rice (I’m not sure it’s true but what you believe) - then why is it on your list at all.

Everyone will tell you they will give you great academic support - and regardless of what any school tells you - internships and job opportunities are more on the student than the school - so if you hustle, take advantage of resources like resume help and interviewing workshops, etc. and take advantage of companies who come or list jobs as well as those who list on indeed and linkedin - then you’ll be fine.

My kid at Alabama had 20 interviews and 5 offers as a MechE. You’ll have some that struggle - same as you will at Rice and NU.

There is not a magic button that says - I go to Rice - I’ll be taken care of.

It’s not how it works.

I have no idea why Rice is on your list given the fear you have. I don’t know if the fear is warranted but only you can decide that.

Whether NU should also be or a completely different school would be up to you.

Good luck.

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Visit both schools. Do your online research. Attend as many virtual sessions as possible. Talk to current students. There are student ambassadors. You can also ask the office of admissions to connect you to students. What my kid found best was connect to current students involved in sports/activities they like.

Then see which school is your absolute and unquestionable first choice. If you don’t feel that way about a school, do not ED.

Thank you. I do not know if my fears are justified and that is the reason for my asking for help. If there are students are either of these universities, perhaps they could share any information. Thank you.

Thank you! I will try that.

We toured both and my D ended up at Rice. They are both great schools obviously and I don’t think you could make a wrong choice. Some differences/thoughts that jump out at me:

  1. Obviously the weather. NW is on Lake Michigan. It’s beautiful but man does it get cold there in the winter. I imagine fall and spring are lovely. Rice is in Houston where it is very hot and humid the first month or so into the school year and starts to heat up again at the end of the
    school year. The weather the rest of the year is pretty moderate.

  2. Northwestern in on trimester system and Rice semester. This is really a matter of preference. Some students like the trimester system and feel it gives the the chance to take more classes and explore more interests. Others feel it makes classes too condensed and stressful.

  3. I know you’ve been told that Rice is not supportive, and I guess I’m not sure exactly what whoever told you that meant, but Rice prides itself on being super collaborative and I think most students would agree with that. Maybe there is some differences in majors but my D had great support from classmates and professors there. I am less certain about the collaborative/competitive nature of NW. In the Nice rankings the top 3 words NW students use to describe the students there are: busy, engaged, and stressed. The 3 words Rice students use to describe the students at Rice on Niche are: friendly, work hard/play hard and nerdy.

  4. NW is located in a pretty affluent Chicago suburb. Rice is in Houston but not right in downtown and it’s also next to a pretty affluent area. I feel like they are pretty similar in that respect. Rice students get free passes for public transportation BUT the public transportation in Houston is not as good at Chicago’s sytem.

  5. If you care about the school having a Greek System: NW does and Rice does not.

  6. Housing: Northwestern has your traditional housing set up and according to Google about 55% of undergrads live on campus (including greek housing I think). At Rice they have the residential college system and about 70% of students live on campus at any given time. They are in the process of building two more dorms in order to accomodate increased enrollment and to allow more students to live on campus if they choose.

That’s all I can think of for now. I’m sure there is more. As I said, I think they are both great choices. Visit both if you can!


That’s why we’ve been saying to reach out and ask to speak with a student ambassador - or you can reach out to the department and get in touch with a kid they recommend.

While of course those kids will be biased to the positive, they are typically honest.

Or if you are close, head to campus, stand outside the building and just ask kids as they walk by. Explain you’re a hs student and want to know about their experience.

I don’t think this site will have too many kids in relation to what you’re seeking. Mostly parents or prospective students.

One other thought: You could reach out to a couple of current students on Linkedin to see their thoughts. My D has had a couple of high schoolers interested in her major reach out to her.

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Thank you so much!

Thank you so much for both your answers.

Northwestern has residential colleges as well. some are focused/themed and some are mixed. Willard is a mixed residential college with students from everywhere studying various majors.
I don’t have former student in Rice CS. I do have one in Northwestern CS. He has been happily busy for three years; however, he would be happily busy anywhere. I don’t think it’s the school, rather himself, that decides how satisfied he is.
I know two Rice CS students, not from my classes though. One recently graduated and was overall satisfied. the other is in his second year and did complain about heavy workload last year.
If you apply ED in hope of better chance of acceptance, NU has a reputation of favoring ED applicants. If you’re my student, I would suggest you go on reddit to get a feeling of how many complaints from each school and what they’re about.
In every college there are students who feel supported and not. You need to find someone like you and ask for their experience. Good luck.

Are they both affordable?
Have you visited? What do YOU think?