<p>Does anyone else from the class of 2011 feel weird to be a senior now? I mean it was just like yesterday that we were freshman. Although high school has had its ups and downs, i think that i'm gonna miss it. </p>
<p>Idk, maybe it's too early to be talking about this, but what are your thoughts?</p>
<p>There are particular memories I’m very fond of. 
My homeroom class is among the craziest classes my teachers have ever taught.</p>
<p>lol man i know what you mean, i have some crazy memories too</p>
<p>Yeah, I’ve definitely been thinking about how much I am going to miss all of my friends- they’re quite an awesome group of people 
I will miss my teachers too— most everyone at my school is friends with the teachers-we go out to lunch/ coffee/ shopping with them, etc. I have a few teachers that I can talk to as if they were my friends- so I am r e a l l y going to miss that kind of teacher-student relationship</p>
<p>It’s insane to think that only 3 years ago I was a freshman. Seems like last week.</p>
<p>^ really? I hardly remember freshman year. Soph. year is where it’s at.</p>
<p>My sophomore year is blank to me. I honestly don’t remember a good chunk of it until after one of my classmates passed.</p>
<p>i still vividly remember my first day as a freshman… it was like yesterday. I remember coming in and seeing all the seniors and how old / big they seemed… now being in that position, i don’t feel that way at all, idk how to explain</p>
<p>I feel like I’m just not mature enough to go to college yet. Maybe it’s just me.</p>
<p>i’m actually really happy to be a senior. sure there are things that i will miss about being in high school, but more of those have to do with having it easy (living at home, less responsibilities) but i’m ready to do my own thing.</p>
<p>i feel like so many ppl just hate hs and while i’m ready to move on, a huge part of me wants to stay and wants senior year to last a long time, i’m gonna miss being a part of homecoming, and all the other events at our school and not to mention my friends, gonna miss them a hella lot</p>
<p>Feels like I’ve matured greatly on a personal and intellectual level, but outwardly I’m still the same as I was freshman year. I hang out with slightly different friends now and wish I’d met them all earlier; I don’t like looking at them and thinking, “which ones will remain my friends through college and which ones will I never talk to again after graduation” but sometimes it just hits me and I can’t look at any of them the same for the rest of the time I’m talking to them.</p>
<p>Freshman year rocked, hands down, though (and because of the fact that) I did nearly nothing. Sophomore year was unfairly stressful (and it showed on my transcript); junior year could’ve been both better and worse. Hopefully senior will be my favorite.</p>
<p>If I went to college right now, I feel as if I’d be ready…for the classes. Living on my own would freak me out at first. Financially, I know as much about taxes, credit, etc. as I did when I was like 13…which isn’t a good thing.</p>
<p>Goodbye high school.</p>