<p>Hey everyone,</p>
<p>I just wanted some advice/help. Duke, I love everything about it. The campus, location, obviously amazing academics and everything. I am considering applying ED (debating between here and Northwestern, Rice) but now the only problem I see in my application is my SAT Score. My final super score is an 1850. CR 570, M 640, W 640 - 10 on the essay.</p>
<p>I have no legacy, but I know my essays will be superb and my recommendations as well. Now, I'm not saying this is a chance me thread, but rather, how far will my SAT Score hold me back? Because my SAT Score is far below the median, and I know that for all the 3 schools I'm considering ED. My GPA is pretty good. 4.0 in 10th grade, and I do the IB so 36/42 points in 11th grade finals. My extracurriculars are very good as well (Editor-in-Chief of school paper, President/Founder of Youth Parliament, main character in annual drama productions etc.). So what do you guys think? I'm just concerned about my SAT Score, not my GPA or anything else. Out of the 3 schools I'm considering, for each one, could you tell me if I have a shot? (Duke, Northwestern and Rice). Which one should I do?? I ask this on the Duke forum, because leaving aside scores and everything, I like it the most.</p>
<p>It will be a setback, but considering your high GPA and great ECs, it would not be impossible, especially if the school think you would be an asset to the drama dept. It depends on your major some. I think you have the best shot at Rice, especially if you are out of state. Northwestern and Duke will be pretty big reaches, simply because they are difficult to get into anyway. Don’t forget safeties, as Rice is still a reach for you.</p>
<p>Hey vnd1994, You’ve got to take that SAT again. It’s just not going to cut it. You may have an amazing application, but that will just put you on par with a lot of other applicants. I don’t want to be blunt, but you need to get that score up if you have a chance. Take it in the fall before ED deadlines, and also I would recommend taking the ACT in case you test better on that. Are you applying to Pratt or Trinity?</p>
<p>If you have a 36/42 IB Diplomma there is really no reason why you can’t get 2250+ on your SAT. You probably haven’t exhausted yourself studying for it yet. Take this summer to become intimately familiar with the test and then take it in the fall again. 1850 just doesn’t cut it.</p>
<p>TBH with you, that SAT score would set you back a significant amount at all three of those schools. To get into one of those schools with that score you would really need to be something else and have a serious hook, which you don’t. I would highly recommend that you try the ACT (my ACT score was 70 points higher than my SAT equivalent) and retake the SAT. With your impressive GPA and IB courseload I suspect that you have the potential to make significant improvement over the summer and give yourself a chance at one of those schools! While you’re at it, look into other good schools that aren’t quite as reachy, such as UMich, BC, and U of Wisconsin. Good luck!</p>
<p>I worked really hard for that 1850, and I’m not sure I’ll be able to manage studying for the SAT all over again. I worked very very hard for the May SAT. I worked non-stop on SAT for weeks straight and exhausted all the textbooks/workbooks/practice tests that there were (literally). Sigh, now I just… Idk what to do
With the coming semester, I know I won’t be able to handle studying properly for the SAT again. What’s the point of taking an exam if you’re not prepared for it? I fear that my score may decrease (I’ve seen it happen with some of my friends) as a result.
If I apply, it’ll be to Trinity. :)</p>
<p>I say you have the best chance at Rice, but even then…That SAT score is going to hurt. D:
Have you tried taking the ACT? Perhaps you might fare better on that than the SAT.</p>