<p>I just got a letter that said I did not directly get into my major in the college of arts and sciences. What does this actually mean? Is it because it is very selective or too many people? I applied to a neuroscience major. I have a 3.7 UW, 4.3 W, 2010 SAT, 30 ACT.</p>
<p>I got into the honors program with a scholarship too.</p>
<p>The letter simply means you are not a direct admit to your major. It does not mean you cannot major in neuroscience. You just have to begin in the University Division instead of your major. Once you complete the requirements you will declare a COAS major (usually after Fr. or Soph year.) I’ve never heard of anyone in the COAS not being admitted to the major of their choice unless they didn’t have the grades. (okay–nursing might be an exception and a couple of others, but not neuroscience) </p>
<p>REALLY, don’t fret about it. On a tour last year our guide told us that less than 10% of COAS students were admitted directly to their major. I get the feeling it’s more difficult to be directly admitted to the COAS than to the Kelley School. (don’t hate me business students–look at OP’s stats) DD received the same letter–also received honors scholarship, etc. Mostly it means you don’t receive the $1000 scholarship that sometimes goes to direct admits.</p>