Not allowed to drop out of IB?

<p>So I've been in IB for 2 weeks now (feels like 2 days lol) but made a decision with my dad that I would drop out and take 2 AP classes instead (chem and German)</p>

<p>Counselor said She needs administrative approval and brings me to assistant principal, who tells me that when I signed up for the program I signed a contract saying I'll be committed etc. Etc. Etc. And said she needs a solid reason for why I want to leave but doesn't believe I have one </p>

<p>Some of the things I said:
-Want to take Physics. Required for some schools
-want to take AP chem, not IB
-failing 2 IB classes, way behind (didn't do summer reading)
-too much commitment, time consuming, bringing down GPA</p>

<p>She said things such as: classes are full in the school, some already have 40 students per class; too late (midterms are apparently soon); AP will be hard as well. I'll need to come with my dad again tomorrow so that we can discuss why I really want to leave and hopefully she'll find some "stronger reasons"</p>

<p>Wtf? I knew someone who dropped out as well (granted, it was second day of school). It's a public school and pretty sure I have every right to drop out. They can't force me to do stuff. </p>

<p>She said that EVEN IF I dropped out, I would HAVE to take AP English because the other classes are full. I want to focus more on sciences and feel that too many APs would result in lower AP scores (got a 5 in APWH last year but other grades suffered that last term because I studied too much for it). Again, it's a public school. Can they FORCE me to take an AP I don't want to? </p>

<p>Or force me to stay in IB </p>

<p>Don’t think I even need to give her a reason. Technically I could drop out of high school altogether, then re-register an hour later and they’d be required to take me in (don’t want to appear as a smartass though lol)</p>

<p>So, first you were worried about getting kicked out, and now it looks like they’re going to force you to stay?</p>

<p>Get your **** together. This is pathetic. YOU waited this long, YOU didn’t do the work and killed your grades, you’ve gotten yourself in this situation. I feel sorry for that administrator that has to deal with the bad attitude you obviously have. She’s right, you have whiny, BS reasons for wanting to drop it. Why don’t you just tell her the truth? You’re a quitter that got in over his/her head and want out?</p>

<p>But that’s okay, get into a university’s science program, and be sure to post on the College Life forum about how you’re going to get kicked out/they’re trying to force you to stay in that too.</p>

<p>Oh, and as for your comment about dropping out and re-registering, that wouldn’t make you a smartass. That’d make you a pretentious, entitled ■■■■■■. Oh wait, you clearly already are one.</p>

<p>Your posts are all over the map, from asking about HYPMS to “does undergraduate even matter” and considering FSU. You self-report flunking and moving from a top 5 private to public school. You sign up for IB and don’t do the summer reading (which I sympathize with, summer should be summer). </p>

<p>Are you getting counseling? You appear to be having trouble adjusting to adolescence. @SuzieAnne was rough, but it is time to figure out how to succeed. </p>

<p>@SusieAnne‌ SNAPPED!!! :)) </p>

<p>But I agree with her though. You’re the one that put yourself in this mess. It’s time to get it together and figure it out.</p>

It is what it is. I went through IB, and sucked it up, finished, and did well. At least if this guy really was in over his head due to no fault of his own, I’d understand. But as-is… no.
:-q </p>

<p>@SusieAnne, fair enough. My son did IB and got the diploma, but more than once said that he might have made a mistake since he felt it wasn’t clear to him at the outset that it might not be the best path for a math/physics kind of kid. Anyway, it all turned out well for him. </p>

<p>I just think OP might have larger fish to fry, and IB is just the latest instance of something underlying. </p>