Not bad in Bio, but screwed up really bad in Math 2

<p>I got 700 in Bio but only a 610 in Math even with their really good curve. I don't get it, I've gotten 700s and high 600s on practice tests(Math 2) and I don't think I did that bad on the test except I didn't do the last two questions. Do you think they might have had an error?</p>

<p>Btw, my Bio score is at least 30 points higher than the highest I got on practice tests.</p>

<p>from what prep book did you get the 700s and high 600? I know for sure that they cant be barron's...
and no, the chances that collegeboard made a mistake is very slim. Perhaps you made careless mistakes on math, or your practice tests were easier than the real one</p>

<p>just for a side note, i used to get 750+ in barrons and i got lower than that on my real SAT II. which really surprised me, since everyone thinks that barrons is hard..
it is, but i think the real SAT II is a little different..</p>

<p>I used PR (I got low 700s) and the Collegeboard book (high 600s). </p>

<p>Btw, does anyone know how to order the regrade service?</p>