Not deferred but accepted for major of Undeclared?

<p>I applied for the major of Computer Engineering in October and I got an acceptance letter a few days ago stating that I was accepted to the Undeclared major. I don't know if this was a mistake or something because it would only seem logical to me that if I was not accepted this early for Computer Engineering, that I would be deferred but instead I received this. Could my stats just not have been high enough?</p>

<p>GPA: 3.64
Rank: Top 5% out of 600
ACT: 33</p>

<p>Almost all Honors and AP courses</p>

<p>I know Georgia Tech is a prestigious school in most things Engineering and how it is very demanding in its course load but is it truly this hard to be accepted to an Engineering field?</p>

<p>I was already accepted into UIUC for the same major.</p>

<p>yeah i got that too pretty much exact same. I’m pretty sure all engineering students are accepted as undeclared. You don’t decide on a major until later.</p>

<p>you can declare any major after joining.</p>

<p>you can declare any major after joining. uiuc is stronger in comp sci., go there if IS.</p>

<p>i was reading today on the website that the engineering program begins with intros to the different fields of engineering, so perhaps that’s it. but I, too have a question along this topic. I was accepted undeclared to Ivan Allen, can i switch to the Management school or Engineering school or etc.?</p>