<p>I began a marketing internship for a very small start-up company this last summer, and it has continued through the school year. During the summer, I was doing all kinds of great projects that pushed me to the limits, and I absolutely enjoyed it. However, toward the end of the summer and now into the school year, they have dropped every meaningful activity from my duties and I am now just doing simple sales calls. This was not at all in my job description, and I feel that I can be challenged much more elsewhere. (For a quick disclaimer, I completed my challenging duties very well and received compliments for my work this summer, so it's not like I failed).</p>
<p>During the employment process, I verbally told the company that I would stay with them until at least the end of the school year (which is what they asked for), but I have found several opportunities elsewhere that would challenge me and be a much better experience. Would it be horrible of me to leave my current internship for a different position for the remainder of the school year? i.e. would this put a negative mark on me for further employment if they were to contact my current boss?</p>
<p>Thanks a lot everyone!</p>