Not finding course on the official UC course articulation

@NewPoster123 Sorry, I thought you were referring to the “Other Coursework” section.

At the very bottom after all of the a-g categories, there is a box to click “I don’t see my courses” If I click on that, then I receive, “Manually enter any courses you took that are not listed above.” Is that what you are looking at? It asks me what discipline the additional course is in and what level the class is (honors, AP, etc). I don’t see where it allows me to “self mark” if the class “falls under a-g”.

I tried adding Robotics under Interdisciplinary Sciences and it let me add the course. I tried adding Yearbook under a variety of categories and it directed me to the “Other Coursework” section in Activities and Awards. My examples of leadership, yearbook and sports should be listed in the “other coursework” section. However, there might be a STEM course or your foreign language course that is an academic course and is not included on the UC pre-populated list and you should list those courses in the academic section. If the academic section won’t allow for them to be listed then list them in the “other coursework” section.

There could be a variety of reasons that courses aren’t on the pre-populated list but I wouldn’t read too much into it. Just make sure you list any and all courses you took either in “courses you took that are not listed above” section or in the “other coursework” section.

You might use this section to explain your situation with the foreign language course.

@lkg4answers Thank you! This is the most comprehensive answer. I am just stumped because the student wants their UC GPA to be increased by remarkable grades in the language courses. They had no idea these would not be a-g, as the other languages (Spanish and French) at the high school are included under language for UC approved. As of now, they will not be included because they are not on the UC official list for their high school. So that is why I am “reading” into this. I am not so concerned with reporting it somewhere on the app - more concerned as to why it is NOT on the list - and waiting to hear from the counselor. Thank you!!!

@lkg4answers Do you think that by adding in a course in the bottom section “Subject Area/Course Category” that course is added into UC GPA - the subject areas do correspond to a-g categories.

Since you emailed UC admissions and they stated if it is not a recognized a-g course, it would not be part of the UC GPA calculation. All you can do is wait to see what the Head counselor says about the class since that will determine if it is included or not.

Thank you @Gumbymom was just curious if the UCs pick up the courses listed on the section “I don’t see my courses” and include in the UC GPA - or if that is really just to list other academic courses not listed a-g AND they do not go into the calculation :slight_smile:

The UC’s would see the courses listed in that section and would check to see if the courses are valid a-g courses. How they check would be the same as how applicants check by using the UCOP a-g course articulation list. If the Head counselor states the course is indeed an a-g course, I would put that in the Academic History Comments as @lkg4answers suggested but ultimately it will be up to the UC’s to decide how the class will be considered. I know for OOS applicants, there is no UC approved course list, so all the courses they enter will have to checked and reviewed by the UC admissions.

Thank you! I appreciate all your advice/thoughts on this.

There is a process that the school administration needs to go through to get a course approved for a-g. Any step in the process that was not met could lead to a course not being approved and not being on the list. If you open the section on submitting courses on this page you will find

You might ask the appropriate administrator at your HS if they submitted the course and if it was not approved.

If your site admin finds the error, resubmits and gets the course approved for the upcoming year, I think it is reasonable for a student to cite on their application that they took the same course that is now UC approved.