<p>Hi, I'm new to this section of cc, so I apologize if this is the wrong forum to post in. </p>
<p>I tried googling this, but I couldn't really find any answers. Basically, what will happen if I don't/can't earn all of my work study award? Do they take it all away? etc</p>
<p>Since the only way to receive work-study money is to earn them, there is nothing to take away. </p>
<p>I assume you think that work-study money are distributed the same way Pell grants are - at the beginning of each semester. This is not correct. Once you find work-study job, WS money will be part of your paycheck.</p>
<p>The portion of tuition not covered by grants and scholarships is students’ responsibility. So, you will have to come up with the money to cover the difference. </p>
<p>Keep in mind, that in general the balance of the tuition is due before or at the beginning of the semester. Some (most?) schools allow you to set-up a payment plan (either free or for a small fee). The tuition still needs to be completely paid prior to the end of the semester.</p>
<p>So, if you don’t earn enough money from WS to cover the difference, you will need to find money somewhere else to cover it (parents, savings, loan, etc).</p>
<p>Ideally you would pay the tuition up front and use the work study money to cover ongong expenses throughout the semester, such as travel for a commuting student or food, laundry etc. for an on campus student.</p>