<p>hi... im an anthro major.
I may be or may not able to finish my pre-req(1missing).
I know anthro is not an impacted major but i know it's ganna hurt somehow..
GPA:3.68 applied:Cal,LA,USC,SD,SB.... know reps are picking up the phone today... im freaking out haha</p>
<p>hey Torrencecali, I thought you got accepted last year? You have nothing to worry about w/ that GPA in a non impacted major, you have a great shot at Cal...just out of curiosity, if you get accepted to both Cal & UCLA which one will you pick?</p>
<p>honestly i really don't know... hard choice between Cal,LA,USC.... i will see when i get accepted..</p>
<p>ucla you need 3 anthro courses if i remember correctly, usc has been on my mine lately but that's another application and another set of essay questions</p>
<p>dragon- ur first choice is USC? what is the reason?</p>
<p>oh no, its never been my first choice, i've been going there to see my dentist from time to time and sometimes i feel like its a place i could see myself going to, and sometimes its not. So your first choices are CAL, LA and USC?</p>
<p>IMO, USC is not even an option for me unless someone else is paying for it. The debt from a CSU or especially a UC is bad enough. I hope everyone is thinking far enough ahead to understand that many people (including a lot of our CCC instructors) owe their soul to debt.</p>
<p>But in any case, good luck to all!</p>
<p>you know, for some people, going to USC will be cheaper than attending a public.</p>
<p>i don't have a first choice anymore because all 3 schools has goods and bads.</p>
<p>yeah USC is like around 40,000 a year?</p>
<p>USC tuition 33000 UC approx 7000ish...</p>
<p>Edward04-Hate to sound cynical but our professors did go to good schools to become TEACHERS, essentially. And msot of them only have Master's. A PHD would probably get them that big raise. Versus the people that go to good schools and end up doing something a bit more lucrative like business, or engineering.</p>
<p>USC meets 100% of student need. As much as 70% being grants & scholarships.</p>
<p>UC's- No guarantee. Whatever Cal Grant & FAFSA & the school gives you. Keep in mind most people want to go to UCLA & UCB, so there's only so much they can offer.</p>