Not getting National Merit Status?

<p>So, i'm a junior taking the PSAT tomorrow. I don't think I'll get even National Merit commended since I didn't study for it and my scores from last year were pretty average (159). I'm not really stressing over it right now, but i was wondering if not getting at least commended will put me in a much greater disadvantage against students who did for scholarships (sorry being really broad here).</p>

<p>I don’t think anyone gives scholarships for “commended”…so no benefit for making commended. No disadvantage for not making commended.</p>

<p>The NM scholarships are for those who make NMF. </p>

<p>if you don’t make NMF, then do well on your SATs or ACTs, keep your GPA high, and you could get a scholarship from schools who give merit money for high stats. Your PSAT score won’t matter at all; colleges won’t ever know what your PSAT score is.</p>

<p>Good luck tomorrow. :)</p>