Not hearing anything back


<p>It seems like everyone has heard something back from the grad programs theyve applied to but I have heard NOTHING. Not a peep. What does this mean? Should I just assume I have been rejected anywhere and just start looking for a job? Im so sad and confused!!</p>

<p>Call the director of the graduate programs. You may well have had things sent to an inactive email box or have an overly ambitious spam filter. They may have the wrong phone number on file for you. Alternatively, maybe this just isn’t your year and after a year or two of lab tech experience, you will be much more competitive.</p>

<p>Shea - have you ever went to thegradcafe website? They have a page were you can list what schools you got into, etc. You will be able to see which schools have or are admitting by date. It might give you a little heads up. Good luck.</p>

<p>yeah, check [Grad</a> School Admissions Results, Discussions, Tips, Forums, Help •](<a href=“”> and see if other people have heard, yes or no, from your programs.</p>

<p>i applied to 9 schools and i’m still waiting on 5 of them, 4 of which haven’t notified anyone, one way or the other, if they’ve been accepted. if you see that lots of people have heard from your program already, though, then definitely phone the grad secretary.</p>

<p>Hey I only just heard yesterday that one of my schools will be sending out decisions by March 11. Other than that just them letting me know they got my applications and maybe an invite to a grad applicant chat (that I’ve been getting since I signed up for more info). I would check grad cafe to see when other people have heard from the same programs you’re applying too, it’s helped me feel a bit better about not hearing yet either. I’m sure you’re programs are just taking their sweet time making decisions and telling people. Fun huh? Good luck I’m sure you’ll start hearing soon. If you haven’t heard anything by the end of March I’d call the schools to see if there are any decisions, but I’m sure you’ll hear by then.</p>

<p>i know how you feel!! i applied to 9 schools and only heard back from 2. and one of mine has been sending out acceptances, rejections, and visit invitations (according to gradcafe). frustrating!!</p>

<p>Notification timetables vary by field as well. In my discipline, only fellowship candidates from many institutions will have heard already.</p>

<p>The vast majority of graduate applicants will not hear anything until late March, and no one will hear anything from one particular very highly ranked graduate program on the west coast until the second week of April. (No, not my program!)</p>

<p>I just heard back from U of Va with good news!! I’m so happy haha. Thanks guys for all the advice though. This is such a gut wrenching process!!</p>

<p>hey you got accepted!!!cool…was it for a PhD???</p>