not really a chances thread

<p>im a junior and i dont have sat's yet (taking in march)
so this isnt really a chances thread, and im not going to talk much about myself beyond what it necessary to ask my question
i go to an EXTREMELY competitive public high school that regularly sends about 15-20 kids to the top schools, although usually only 1-3 students to each school
my concern with this is that although i am in the top tier of students from my school (gpa 3.9, a lot of ap classes, rank about 20/600+) at least two other students, both ranked considerably above me (top 5-10ish,) also want to go to the school i want to go to (upenn)</p>

<p>for purposes of my question, assume that all three of us are qualified to be accepted to penn (strong academics, extracurriculars, etc.,) and that all three of us are applying early decision
(no im not calling penn easy to get into)</p>

<p>will their stronger applications hinder my chances of being accepted into penn?</p>

<p>as in, am i compared with the rest of my school to fill a quota? or is the comparison on a wider basis than that?</p>

<p>*sorry if my question is ambiguous, im tired and i cant really tell if im getting it across or not</p>

<p>bump...10 chars</p>

<p>i'm not familiar with penn but i think they compare you to students within your surrounding area but not necessarily just within the same school.</p>

<p>thanks, can anyone confirm this?</p>