Not really sure of my chances?

<p>I have a 3.2 GPA, 122/507 class rank, 1090 on SAT. I am thinking of these schools.Can someone please tell me my chances?</p>

<p>University of Rochester
George Washington University
Stevens Institute of Technology
Rutgers university
Monclair State University</p>

<p>Junior grades</p>

<p>Algebre 2 H - 79
French 3 APH - 78
Chemistry CP- 78
English 11 - 84
U.S. history 2 - 80
Computers 2 - 84
industrial Tech.-94</p>

<p>senior year(mid year average)</p>

<p>Chem APH - 80
Precalculus - 100
English 12 - 95
Molecular Biology -94
Physics CP - 88</p>